ISSUE: 39Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Sega Master System (in the form of Master Gear coverage)
- Atari Lynx
- PC
- Macintosh
- Amiga
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts)
The Quest For The Statues: A Player's Guide to Ys III, Part I by Clayton Walnum (Ys III: Wanderers From Ys (TG16CD))
In this first part, we'll show you how to clear out the mine, rescue all the people and gather the many mysterious statues.
Learning With Games: Entertainment Games That Teach by Joyce Worley
Home educational software is a mixture of accomplishment of high concept and disappointing sales returns. Join us as we look at some titles that have tried to bridge the barrier between game playing and education.
Electronic Gaming Comedy: Humorous Games by Arnie Katz
Games in 1992 are not only better, but are also more likely to get laughs. Take a look at some games that will make your system gaffaw.
Video-Game Reviews
- Super Adventure Island (SNES)
- Kid Chameleon (Gen)
- Joe & Mac (SNES)
- WWF Super WrestleMania (SNES)
- Wizardry II: Knight of Diamonds (NES)
- Warrior of Rome II (Gen)
- Lagoon (SNES)
- Xardion (SNES)
- The Games: Winter Challenge (Gen)
Gaming On the Go by Chris Bieniek (portable accessory and game reviews)
- Master Gear Converter (SMS-to-GG adapter)
- Missile Command (GB)
- Super Skweek (Lynx)
- Adventure Island (GB)
Computer-Game Previews
- Champions (PC)
- Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (PC)
- Guest (PC)
- Matrix Cubed (PC)
- Michael Jordan Flight (PC)
- Out of This World (PC)
- Black Crypt (Amiga)
Computer-Game Reviews
- Bo Jackson Baseball (Amiga/PC)
- No Greater Glory (Amiga/PC/Mac)
- Civilization (PC)
- Patton Strikes Back (PC/Mac)
- Police Quest 3: The Kindred (PC)
- Hare Raising Havoc (PC)
- SimAnt (Amiga/PC/Mac)
- Spacewrecked (Amiga/PC)
- AD&D: Pools of Darkness (PC)
Computer-Game Strategies by Ed Dille
This month one of our top-notch experts shows you how to stay aloft in Gunship 2000 (PC) and how to master the Megafortress (PC).
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Reader Mail
Tip Sheet by Donn Nauert
- Batman (NES)
- Blazing Lazers (TG16)
- Dragon Spirit (TG16)
- Fantasy Zone (TG16)
- Ordyne (TG16)
- Pac-Land (TG16)
News Bits compiled by Joyce Worley
- Sega Claims Victory in 16-Bit Battle
- Altec Lansing to Support Multimedia
- Commodore Announces CDTV Accessories
- Going for the Gold in Barcelona
- MicroProse Goes NES
- Game Company Gets PC Globe Inc.
- Capstone Puts Collection on CD-ROM
- Bonk Tosses Hat in Race
- Joystick for Left- or Right-Handed Gamers
- PC Stick Converts to Pad
- Two Big Games Go to Small Format
- Doc Prescribes CD-ROM Baseball
- Sports Game Leads Capcom NES Parade
- Game Boy Gets First Flight Simulator
- Atlus Snares Two Toon Licenses
- Getaway Target Laptoppers
- Game Genie Crosses Oceans
- European Piracy Costs $4.4 Billion
- Top Coin-Ops for December 1991
- Top IBM PC Games for November 1991
Easter Egg Hunt
- Super Earth Defense Force (SNES)
- Star Control (Gen)
- Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
- Quackshot (Gen)
- Hyper Zone (SNES)
- Joe Montana II Sportstalk Football (Gen)
- Mike Ditka Power Football (Gen)
- Viking Child (Lynx)
- Slime World (Lynx)
- Dinoland (Gen)
- NHL Hockey (Gen)
Destination Arcadia by Donn Nauert
Game Doctor - The Quest to Answer Questions by the Game Doctor (Q&A)
Fandango - Is It Time for a National Fan Club? by Arnie Katz (fanzine reviews)
(Phanzine Star #2, Genesian #2, Digital Press January 1992, The 2600 Connection #6)
Inside Gaming - A Dream Come True by Arnie Katz
(Excerpt:) This month, Arnie looks at a major new event on the gaming calendar. (The advent of E3.)
Advertiser Index
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
Hudson Soft returns the adventures of Master Higgins in Super Adventure Island for the SNES. Turn to page 36 for a review of this latest state-of-the-art game. Cover Art: Jim McDermott
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