ISSUE: 41Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Atari Lynx
- Macintosh
- PC
- Amiga
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player
- pinball
- arcade
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts)
The Conquest of Cron: A Player's Guide to Might & Magic, Part I by Clayton Walnum
Might & Magic for the Genesis is one of the largest role-playing games on any game system. Our game guide will help you get over the worst hurdles, so you can get down to serious adventuring.
Superheroes On The Scrolling Screen by David S. Moskowitz
Comic-book heroes have long been the focus of some video-game companies. Join us as we take a look at characters that have made the successful transition from comics to video games.
A.C.M.E. Show Report by Donn Nauert ('Destination Arcadia - the 1992 A.C.M.E. Show')
Held once every year, the American Coin Machine Exposition exposes electronic gaming's latest entries in the coin-op division. This year's offerings in San Antonio won't disappoint you.
Bringing The Hardwood Home: Electronic Basketball - 1992 Style by Bill Kunkel
The basketball season ran longer this year, giving software developers extra time to produce more entries. Join our expert as he surveys the best three-point games around.
Video-Game Reviews
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (SNES)
- Splatterhouse 2 (Gen)
- Defenders of Dynatron City (NES)
- The Blues Brothers (NES)
- Spanky's Quest (SNES)
- Gunboat (TG16)
- Raiden Trad (SNES)
- Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (NES)
- Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (Gen)
- Rival Turf (SNES)
- Stanley: The Search for Dr. Livingston (NES)
Gaming On the Go by Chris Bieniek (portable game reviews)
- Crystal Warriors (GG)
- Turn and Burn (GB)
- Basketbrawl (Lynx)
Computer-Game Previews
- John Madden Football (Amiga)
- A-Train (PC)
- American Gladiators (PC)
Computer-Game Reviews
- The Taking of Beverly Hills (PC)
- Populous II (Amiga/PC)
- The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness (PC)
- Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus (Amiga/PC)
- Flames of Freedom (Amiga)
- Bush Buck Global Treasure Hunter (PC)
- Bloodwych (PC)
- Super Tetris (PC)
- Out of This World (Amiga/PC)
- Conquest of the Longbow: the Legend of Robin Hood (PC)
- Glider 4.0 (Mac)
- Falcon 3.0a (PC)
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Reader Mail
Tip Sheet by Donn Nauert
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (NES)
- Platoon (NES)
- Shining in the Darkness (Gen)
- Ultima Exodus (NES)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (NES)
- Might and Magic (Gen)
- Little Nemo - The Dream Master (NES)
- Star Tropics (NES)
- Raiden (TG16)
News Bits compiled by Joyce Worley
- EA, Broderbund Agree
- Villa Crespo Plans Movie Reference, New Game Series
- Graphics Card for Amiga Expands Palette
- Millennium Comes to America
- Innovation Offers Unique Connectors
- Franklin Intros Baseball Encyclopedia
- Philips Announces New Software
- Top NASCAR Racers Win Cars
- Software Toolworks Makes Alliances
- MSLA Inks Deal With USA Today
- Game Genie Code Books Announced
- Electronic Arts Starts CD Group
- Cartridge Cleaner for Budget-Minded
- General Videotex Acquires BIX
- Publisher Offers Directory on Disk
- Genesis Controllers Get Spare Parts
- On-Line Chess Sanctioned by USCF
- Atari Cuts Equipment Prices
- Sequels, Add-Ons and Enhancements
- Top Coin-Ops for February 1992
- Top IBM PC games for December 1991
Easter Egg Hunt
- Ys III - Wanderers From Ys (TG16CD)
- Champions Forever Boxing (TG16)
- Desert Strike (Gen)
- Rolling Thunder (Gen(?))
- DecapAttack (Gen)
- Parasol Stars (TG16)
- American Gladiators (NES)
- Super Tennis (SNES)
- Super Smash TV (SNES)
- Wanderers From Ys (SNES)
Game Doctor - Q's & A's to Stir A Gamer's Soul! by the Game Doctor (Q&A)
Inside Gaming - The Limitations of Licensing by Arnie Katz
(Excerpt:) This month, Arnie ruminates on the limitations of licenses.
Computer-Game Strategies
- 4-D Boxing (PC)
- Civilization (PC)
Fandango - From Fan to Pro by Arnie Katz (fanzine reviews)
(Circuit City Report #5, The Atari Zone Vol. 4 No. 1, MegaForce #6, Raw Current #3)
Advertiser Index
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
Capcom's Street Fighter II: The World Warrior for the Super NES has finally arrived. Turn to page 36 and see how the largest game ever created for the Super NES compares to its coin-op big brother. Cover Art: Mike Wepplo
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