ISSUE: 43Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Atari Lynx
- Atari ST
- Macintosh
- PC
- Windows ?.?
- Amiga
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player
- arcade
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts)
The Conquest of Cron: A Player's Guide to Might & Magic (Gen), Part III by Clayton Walnum
In the final installment of our expert advice section, you'll get assistance in the caves and wilds of Cron.
Racing Down The Electronic Road Rally by Bill Kunkel and Joyce Worley
Get behind the wheel as we lead you through the highways and byways of the best cruising games that disks and cartridges have to offer.
Video-Game Reviews
- Wings 2 - Aces High (SNES)
- Todd's Adventures in Slime World (Gen)
- Lords of the Rising Sun (TG16CD)
- Magic Sword (SNES)
- Neutopia II (TG16)
- Hook (SNES)
- Bee 52 (NES)
- Arch Rivals (Gen)
- Gold Medal Challenge (NES)
- Battle Blaze (SNES)
- Dragon's Fury (Gen)
- Falcon (TG16)
- Legend of the Ghost Lion (NES)
Gaming On the Go by Chris Bieniek (portable game reviews)
- Batman Returns (Lynx)
- Wheel of Fortune (GG)
- Centipede (GB)
- Hockey (Lynx)
Computer-Game Previews
- Darkseed (PC)
- Lords of Time (Amiga)
- Fantasy Manager (Update) (PC)
Computer-Game Reviews
- Agony (Amiga/ST)
- Celtic Legends (Amiga/PC)
- Leander (Amiga)
- Black Crypt (Amiga)
- Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed (Amiga/PC)
- ECO Quest (Amiga/ST/PC/Mac)
- Omar Sharif on Bridge (PC)
- Casino Pack 1 (PC)
- Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature Edition (PC)
- World Circuit (Amiga/PC)
- Free D.C! (PC)
- Tracon for Windows (Windows ?.?)
- Treasures of the Savage Frontier (PC)
- Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (PC)
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Reader Mail
Tip Sheet by Chris Bieniek (Sponsored by Sears Funtronics)
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Lynx)
- Splatterhouse (TG16)
- Spider-Man (Gen)
- American Gladiators (NES)
News Bits compiled by Joyce Worley
- Super NES and Genesis Get Price Cuts
- Nintendo Wins Antitrust Suit
- Sega Pays $43 Million for Color Display Technology
- Konami Forms Tech Group, Announces New Games
- GameTek Sponsors Gladiators Tour
- Carmen Gets Board
- Hopper Is Koopa in Super Mario Bros. Movie
- Absolute Unveils Games, Expands Market
- Galoob Issues Game Genie Code Update
- Access Readies Top-Level Links
- Tengen Starts Accessory Line
- New 16-Bit Controllers
- Sierra On-Line Quest for Clay
- Neo Geo Challenges Notre Dame
- Holiday Greetings on Computer
- Williams Introduces New Playfield Design
- Suncom Introduces New Joysticks
- Flying Mouse
- Top Coin-Ops for April 1992
- Top IBM PC Games for February 1992
- Sequels, Add-Ons & Enhancements
Easter Egg Hunt
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project (NES)
- Shinobi (GG)
- Star Trek (GB)
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (GB)
- Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode (NES)
- James Pond Codename: Robocod (Gen)
- Checkered Flag (Lynx)
- The Addams Family (TG16)
- Bonk's Revenge (TG16)
- Todd's Adventures in Slime World (Lynx)
- Valis III (TG16CD)
- The Addams Family (SNES)
- A.P.B. (Lynx)
Destination Arcadia (not listed in this issue's TOC)
- X-Men (review)
- Terminating the T-1000 in T2: Judgement Day (strategy)
Inside Gaming - Gaming Goes A-Courting by Arnie Katz
(Excerpt:) This month, Arnie examines three headline-making court cases.
Fandango - Here Comes a New Fan Activity by Arnie Katz (fanzine reviews)
(The Shape of Gaming to Come #5, Video Views #9, Jeff's MegaSports Wire #4, Dreamscape #1)
Advertiser Index
Game Doctor - The Last Q's & A's! by the Game Doctor (Q&A)
Computer-Game Strategies
- Corporation (Amiga/ST/PC)
- Shadow Sorcerer (Amiga/PC)
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
Namco's Wings 2 - Aces High is the first World War I air combat action simulator available for the Super NES. Turn to page 34 for a full review. Cover Art: Bernard Custudio
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