ISSUE: 47Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Sega CD
- SNK Neo Geo
- Atari Lynx
- Macintosh
- PC
- Amiga
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player - Super CD-ROM Player
- TTI TurboDuo
- arcade
(This issue of VG&CE (finally) introduces a new Video-Game Previews section to compliment their long-running Computer-Game Previews.)
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts)
A Player's Guide To Neutopia II (TG16), Part I by Clayton Walnum ('A Crisis in Paradise, Part One: A Player's Guide to Neutopia II')
Neutopia is back! Join Clay as he explores lots of new, exotic places and helps you navigate through the first four dungeons.
Lucasarts, JVC and VG&CE Present The Super Star Wars Contest
Enter and use the Force to win a one-of-a-kind Super Star Wars original artwork or one of lots of other prizes!
A Look At Novalogic by David S. Moskowitz
NovaLogic has been a software developer since 1985. Join David as he pays a visit and takes a look at some of its latest innovations. (Includes 'Mario Has Moved to the PC' sidebar, discussing Software Toolworks and Mario is Missing.)
Video-Game Previews
- Crue Ball (Gen)
- X-Zone (SNES)
- The Little Mermaid (GB)
- Sewer Shark (SCD)
- Viewpoint (NeoGeo)
Video-Game Reviews
- Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (Gen)
- Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (SNES)
- Art of Fighting (NeoGeo)
- Exile (TGCD/TurboDuo)
- The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (NES)
- Jimmy Connors Pro tennis Tour (SNES)
- Chase H.Q. (TG16/TurboDuo)
- Ex-Mutants (Gen)
- Harley's Humongous Adventure (SNES)
- Tecmo World Cup (Gen)
- Dragon Slayer (TG16SCD/TurboDuo)
- Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye (SNES)
- Gadget Twins (Gen)
- Skuljagger: Revolt of the Westicans (SNES)
- Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (NES)
- Best of the Best Championship Karate (SNES)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Gen)
- Hit the Ice (TG16/TurboDuo)
Gaming On the Go by Chris Bieniek (portable game reviews)
- Baseball Heroes (Lynx)
- Bonk's Adventure (GB)
- Predator 2 (GG)
- Megalit (GB)
Computer-Game Previews
- X-Wing (PC)
- Cyber Race (PC)
- Dune II (PC)
- Battle Isle: Scenario Disk Volume One (Amiga/PC)
Computer-Game Reviews
- Star Control II (PC)
- Mantis XF5700 Experimental Fighter (PC)
- Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (PC)
- Heaven & Earth (PC/Mac)
- Gobliiins (PC)
- Great Naval Battles of the North Atlantic 1939-1943 (PC)
- Shadow President (PC)
- Plan 9 From Outer Space (Amiga/PC)
- Lure of the Temptress (PC)
- Cyber Empires (Amiga/PC)
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Reader Mail
Tip Sheet by Chris Bieniek (Sponsored by Sears Funtronics)
- Tale Spin (TG16)
- Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe (GG)
- Joe Montana Football (Gen)
News Bits compiled by David S. Moskowitz
- Top Coin-Ops for September 1992
- Top IBM PC Games for July 1992
- Electronic Arts Buys Origin
- Star Trek: TNG Virtual-Reality Centers to Hit American Shopping Malls
- Top Video Games for August 1992
- Canadian Video-Game Show Returns
- Electronic Arts and JVC to Produce Software in Japan
- Video Games Featured in Historical Photograph Collection
- Ascii Refinances $250.5 Million Debt
- Absolute Acquires Imagineering
- Virgin and Sierra On-Line Resolve Kyrandia Conflict
- Sound Blaster to Gain E-mu SoundEngine
- Capcom Releases New Street Fighter II Upgrade
Easter Egg Hunt by Chris Bieniek
- Spider-Man (Gen)
- Space Harrier (GG)
- Galahad (Gen)
- Thunder Spirits (SNES)
- Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (TG16/TurboDuo)
- Dragon's Fury (Gen)
- Bulls vs. Lakers and the NBA Playoffs (Gen; Game Genie codes)
- Firehawk (NES)
- Dragon Warrior III (NES; Game Genie codes)
- FaceBall 2000 (GB)
- Magic Sword (SNES)
Inside Gaming (Japanese Special Report) - A Look At The State Of Electronic Gaming In Japan by Takahiro Eguchi
Destination Arcadia - Combating Mortal Kombat by David S. Moskowitz (Mortal Kombat character profiles and move sets)
Computer Strategies - Teaching the Third Reich a Lesson in Escape From Wolfenstein, Part Two by Mike Davila
Q&A (this column is not listed in this issue's TOC)
Advertiser Index
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
McDonald's heroes Mick and Mack are back in Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators. Turn to page 40 for a review of this exciting new one-player game for the Genesis. Cover Art: Jim McDermott
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