ISSUE: 53Content
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Sega CD
- Atari Lynx
- PC
- Amiga
- Macintosh
- Windows ?.?
- SNK Neo Geo
- NEC TurboGrafx-16
- NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM Player - Super CD-ROM Player
- TTI TurboDuo
- arcade
- GCE Vectrex
(This "Collector's Edition" issue of VG&CE sports four, slightly different cover variants. You'll find the Vectrex coverage in the Reader Mail column.)
FEATURES (Contents page excerpts)
The Quest For Immortality A Player's Guide To Gods, Part I by Clayton Walnum
We'll show you how to get past the first two levels in this challenging multi-platform game. (SNES/Gen/'Home Computers')
Video-Game Previews
- The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening (GB)
- Saturday Night Slam Masters (arcade)
- Rocket Knight Adventures (Gen)
- Mario Is Missing! (SNES/NES)
- 3 Count Bout (NeoGeo)
- Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Vol. 2 (TG16CD/TurboDuo)
- Double Dragon (Lynx)
- The Incredible Crash Dummies (GG)
- The Punisher (arcade)
- Beach Volley (GB)
Video-Game Reviews
- Street Fighter II Champion Edition (Gen) (Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition)
- Blaster Master 2 (Gen)
- Super Turrican (SNES)
- Battletoads/Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (NES)
- Taz-Mania (SNES)
- C&C Music Factory: Make My Video (SCD)
- Batman Returns (SNES)
- Riot Zone (TG16SCD/TurboDuo)
- Cool Spot (Gen)
- Bases Loaded 4 (NES)
- American Gladiators (SNES/Gen)
- Super Ninja Boy (SNES)
- Sorcerer's Kingdom (Gen)
Gaming On The Go by Chris Bieniek (portable game reviews)
- Battletoads in Ragnorok's World (GB)
- Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (GG)
- European Soccer Challenge (Lynx)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (GB)
Computer-Game Previews
- Street Fighter II (Amiga)
- Doom (PC)
- Quarter Pole (PC)
- The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo Adventure 2: The Last Dinosaur Egg (Mac)
- Rules of Engagement 2 (PC)
- Take A Break! Pinball (Windows ?.?)
- Spectre Supreme (Mac)
Computer-Game Reviews
- X-wing: The Farlander Papers (PC)
- Empire Deluxe (PC)
- The Prophecy (PC)
- Michael Jordan In Flight (PC)
- Space Quest V: Roger Wilco in the Next Mutation (PC)
- V for Victory: Market Garden (PC/Mac)
- Wilson ProStaff Golf (PC)
- Rome - Pathway to Power (PC)
- World Tour Tennis (PC)
- Tony La Russa Baseball II (PC)
- S.C.OUT (PC/Mac)
Editor's Letter by Andy Eddy
Yea & Nay (opinions; includes 'Could It Be...?' sidebar)
Reader Mail
Tip Sheet by Chris Bieniek
- Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly (GB)
- Out of This World (???)
News Bits compiled by David S. Moskowitz
- Top Coin-Ops for March 1993
- Top Video Games for March 1993
- Industry Layoffs
- Trimark Goes Interactive
- GameTek Goes Rasta for Kawasaki Challenge
- Hardball III Players Earn Shot at Cooperstown
- Capcom and Sega Announce Six-Button Controllers for the Genesis
- Steve Jackson Defeats Feds
- High Court Dismisses Nintendo's Appeal
- Suncom Introduces G-Force Joystick
- TTI Announces Non-900 Hint Line
- Spectrum HoloByte gets $10.3 Million Infusion
- Top Computer Games for January 1993
- New Virtual-Reality Game System
- Flashback to Get Hint Line and Strategy Guide
- Prudential Equity Pumps $11 Mission Into Accolade
- Sierra to Educate About American History and Ecology
- VG&CE Replay - The Things That Might Have Been (sidebar)
Easter Egg Hunt by Chris Bieniek
- Star Fox (SNES)
- The Empire Strikes Back (NES; Game Genie codes) (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
- Ecco the Dolphin (Gen)
- Somer Assault (TG16/TurboDuo)
- Extra Innings (SNES)
- Sonic Blast Man (SNES; Game Genie codes)
- Batman Returns (NES; Game Genie codes)
- NBA Jam (arcade)
- Street Fighter II (SNES)
- Spot - The Cool Adventure (GB; Game Genie codes)
- Street Fighter II (arcade)
- Ecco the Dolphin (Gen; Game Genie codes)
- Crue Ball (Gen)
- Shadow of the Beast (TG16SCD/TurboDuo)
Advertiser Index
COVER (Contents page excerpt)
Genesis owners have been anxiously hoping for the release of Capcom's Street Fighter II for their system. Now to their surprise they are getting SFII Champion Edition. Turn to page 32 for a review of this hot new Genesis game. Cover Art: Mike Wepplo
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