ISSUE: 6Content
- Atari VCS - Atari 2600
- Coleco ColecoVision
- Mattel Intellivision
- Bally Astrocade
- Zircon Channel F
(TOC transcription follows, with (notes) and bullet lists added for clarity.)
Special VIDEO GAMES Interview: The Great Debate
Three noted psychologists, an industry representative and a community activist speak candidly about the pros and cons of video games. Howard Mandel chairs the discussion. ('Featuring Dr. Joyce Brothers, Ronnie Lamm, Don Osborne, Mitchell Robin, Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo;' notable quotes:)
"Last year the rage was Rubik's Cube; this year it's video games; next year it will be something else... I believe we all have the right to have some fun in our lives." - Dr. Joyce Brothers
"Video games put the player in command of enormous resources, typically to destroy some enemy. It's a military mentality. The question is: How much do you want to promote that kind of fantasy?" - Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo
"Video games is an easy form of warfare. The zapping and killing of objects on the screen - what is that doing to the consciousness of our children?" - Ronnie Lamm
"Being able to have some sort of diversion from the oppression of reality is very necessary - video games provide that in a very special way." - Don Osborne
Intruder Alert!
What the coin-op industry desperately needs is some good old-fashioned public relations to ward off its sundry critics. Ray Tilley tells about two such campaigns. (Includes 'So You Want to Open an Arcade?' sidebar, citing arcade restrictions & legislation battles in various parts of the country.)
Welcome to the Club
Women are entering the video game business like never before. Anne Krueger talks woman-to-woman with several of these pioneers, including game designers Janice Hendricks (Joust) and Dona Bailey (Centipede), and explodes a few myths along the way. (Includes 'The Myths of Pac-Man & Other Related Topics' sidebar.)
Rating the Joysticks
It seems there are as many new game controllers as there are games. Perry Greenberg reviews a bunch. (Running commentary review of game controllers; includes 'KY Designs Controllers for the Disabled' sidebar.)
Video whiz Mike Blanchet hates a low score as much as the next gamer, so he's compiled tips on how-to-plya just about every hot video in your local arcade (Super Pac-Man, Joust and Millipede to name a few), plus a couple of classics. (Each game includes arcade cabinet or pinball machine photo, at least one screenshot (if applicable), and approx. 1/4th- 1/2 page of tips & strategy:)
- Q*bert
- Super Pac-Man
- Tutankham
- Sub-Roc 3-D
- Joust
- Moon Patrol
- Pengo
- Jungle Hunt
- Burger Time
- Defender Pinball
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Dig Dug
- Millipede
- Front Line
- Tron
HYPERSPACE (editorial)
A few words of hype from the editor.
DOUBLE SPEAK (letters column)
Some words of advice from our readers.
BLIPS (news section)
Apollo tumbles back to earth, MAGI creates a computer TV ad for Fox Games, Children's Computer Workshop edu-game are on the way, Columbia University holds a seminar, Play Meter reviews 1982, Tops and Fleer battle for bubblegum card rights, Mattel plays hardware with the competition, RMH Enterprises' Sourcebook for Astrocaders. Plus, a quote of the month and an update or two.
- Games by Apollo Tumbles Back to Earth (Apollo bankruptcy)
- Worm Wars I Ad Has That MAGI Touch (CGI special effects)
- Edu-Games: See the Cookie Monster Run (CCW edutainment)
- UpdateUpdateUpdateUpda... (controversial Firebug becomes Firefly; Pirate Pete)
- No, But Seriously... (Atari Research seminar)
- Arcade Report Cites Ups and Downs of '82
- Fleer, Tops Vie for Gum Card Rights (video game trading cards)
- Playing Hardware to Get (Intellivision keyboard attachment changes, Aquarius, Tandyvision One)
- Going Straight to the Sourcebook (Winter 1982 Astrocade Software & Hardware Sourcebook)
- Quote of The Month (sidebar)
John Holmstrom thought he reached Nirvana, but it was only Chicago, host of the AMOA annual convention last November. ('Three Days In Heaven;' commentary heavily illustrated/embellished with comic strips and artwork)
Ace strategist Phil Wiswell offers tips for playing 10 new cartridges. (running commentary; 'New Games From Well-Known Names')
- E.T. (VCS)
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (VCS)
- Demon Attack (Int)
- Atlantis (Int)
- Stampede (Int)
- Pitfall (Int)
- Zaxxon (Col)
- Carnival (Col/Int)
- Wizard of Wor (VCS)
- Gorf (VCS)
The TV-game system nobody knows is the subject of this article. Roger Dionne samples Zircon's Channel F not a moment too soon. ('Channel F: The System Nobody Knows')
David Leibowitz explains why Imagic's public offering created so much excitement. ('Imagic's Offering Couldn't Be Refused')
There's a pot of gold at the end of most video game tournaments. ('Thar's Gold In Them Thar Games')
"The Zydroid Legion" returns. By Matt Howarth & Lou Stathis. (This issue also includes two installments of 'The Video Kid' by Peter Bagge.)
This means war! Atari takes on Imagic and Coleco. ('Atari v. Coleco & Imagic; This Means War!')
STATS (high scores and Top lists)
Cover Illustration by Leslie Cabarga
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