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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. I am looking at picking up 2 more controllers, 2 VMU's and some extension cords.....ashame my tax refund is going towards paying down CC debt.....but I should be free of all CC's by September.......then all I need to do is pay off the 2008 Civic......buy a 2010 Accord.....pay that off .....and then save for a house The one bedroom apartment.....just isnt cutting it anymore.....not with 700 magazines......300 video games......and 6 computers
  2. Hello Ace You do not need to pay anything to download, we provide Rapidshare links to everything on this site. Rapidshare puts a limit on how much you can download per day, but its still free. We offer users the ability to download directly from our site, for a small donation. In no way are we accepting payment for these scans, all funds go towards hosting fee's and purchasing rare magazines off ebay for preservation. Also, when you reach your 25th post on this forum, you will be granted 3 downloads per week from this site. So again....in no way are we trying to sell these scans.
  3. I just bought a brand new Dreamcast......technically I have a used Dreamcast at home....but I never use it because its dirty and such. Now I can sell that Dreamcast and enjoy my brand new one. The other reason I never play it ....is because I have crappy games for it.... mostly sport games Time to research up on good games for this system......Now if I could get a brand new boxed Atari Lynx http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=330320193425 EDIT: Using http://www.videogamepricecharts.com/ , I have found out how little it actually will cost me to start a decent Dreamcast collection $450 give or take to have a sweet ass Dreamcast collection. I will start budgeting $40 a month away and should have this completed within a year
  4. Wow, that picture smacked me right in the face I can still remember the day I got my Gameboy, playing Tetris on the ride home from Toys R Us
  5. Over the past few weeks, I have been keeping an eye on Slickdeals.net and CheapassGamer.com. I have picked up soo many games on the cheap..... Banjoo Kazooie (360) = $20 Crackdown (360) =$13 Blue Dragon (360) = $13 Soul Calibur IV (360) = $20 All of these with Free Shipping Waiting to see if I can get Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, and MadWorld on the cheap I think the gaming industry is hurting from this economy
  6. Schwing!!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  7. Just mind boggling!!!!! :blink: http://www.pagetutor.com/trillion/index.html
  8. Either way the donations go to the same place, its just one moves people over automatically.....and requires you to register to allow you to donate.....while the other one doesnt
  9. That Paypal donation button is meant to be a bit hard to find, because that is a straight up donate button.......we would rather people go through the forum's subscription manager.....so that they can be moved into the Premium Members group. Basically the button that you are referring to.....is only meant to be used by people who wish to donate....but don't want to take the time to create an account. I know confusing.
  10. Do people know that we have a 3 month subscription for $5 http://www.retromags.com/forums/index.php?...&CODE=index
  11. I fear my Wii fit, because I stopped exercising a few months ago.....and gained back the 10lbs I lost......i don't need him criticizing me right now!
  12. You know, I was thinking the same thing.
  13. Last night we won the first issue of Turbo Force Magazine......this now means that we have the complete run! All 4 issues of Turbo Force are in our hands. We would like to get the full collection of DuoWorld and TurboPlay magazine, so if any of you guys have these magazines and can donate them to us.....it would be appriciated.....or if you can throw a few bucks our way so that we can get them from Ebay when they show up. -Phillyman
  14. I agree with Meppi, Spammers will not only have there post counts reset to zero but will also get a 45 day suspension from the forums. We put a ton of work into putting out quality releases, we expect our members to put some thought and effort into their posts. While on this subject......it would be nice if some of you guys could create some NEW topics on the forum......rather than just replying to existing topics.
  15. I will get it for the same reason that I am looking to buy back the first generation Nintendo DS and the GameBoy Light........for collection sake
  16. Retromags Proudly Presents.... Diehard GameFan Issue 1 (October 1992) Big Thanks to JonJon for taking the time to scan such a rare issue from his collection....and to Triverse for cleaning up the scans for release! Direct Download and RapidShare links can be found Here! After Downloading Please come back and give thanks to JonJon and Triverse!
  17. Right now he is banned at the Forum level, so that he can not create a new account.....if needed I will ban him at the website level which will block all of Retromags.com from being accessible. He wont be coming back for a third encounter....I promise that.
  18. Reserved space for showing examples of Fusoya's negativity and why we let him go......Moderators feel free to add examples below and link to them.....
  19. Let me start off by saying that I really hate to ban a member from these forums. When I started this project I did so because I wanted it to be a fun way for each of us to preserve a piece of history. Fusoya has been with Retromags since its start back in 2005, and even back in 2005 he fought me on countless issues pertaining to how this website runs. Back then he only wanted magazines that he scanned to be distributed to people that actively helped the website. I disagreed with him over this and it almost lead to me saying "Fuck it" and shutting down Retromags. Every person that scans a magazine knows the amount of work that it takes to preserve it electronically.....and of course it would be nice if more people helped out.....but that's not how projects like this works. When you start a project that relies on people "volunteering" there time and skills for "free"......you are almost always going to eliminate 98% of people from wanting to help. Seriously, just because I download an emulator to play some old games.....does not mean I am going to toss $5 their way.....nor does it mean I am going to learn a programming language and help program it. Fusoya had the idea that if we didnt release out the magazines to the "leechers" that they would be forced to help out. The problem is that back then Retromags was a very small site....getting only 100-200 visitors per day as opposed to now where we get 600-800 people a day visiting. When Retromags was a small site, the only traffic we were getting was from Mininova when we would "release" a new magazine. You hold onto the magazines and don't distribute them, no one will ever find out about us.....and it cuts down on the amount of people that would actually help out. So when Fusoya started his ranting on the forums about how he would not allow his magazines to be distributed, I just let him go as a member and banned him. Retromags shortly after returned to a calm state and we acquired some great members such as Meppi, Thor, Kbf_private_joker, E-Day, Triverse, Scurti, BarbieOnWeed, Mek1 and others. All of these members are great and without them Retromags would not be the great site it is today. We all scan when we can and share our work with others, in hopes that we will encourage a few more members to step forward and help out. My original goal for Retromags still echo's today.....that if we could get a solid 20 members that could scan and edit just 1 magazine per month.....that means we would have 4-5 new releases per week and that would be 240 releases per year. Anyways about a year or so ago, Fusoya and me got talking on instant messenger.....I thought he had become a better person and deserved another chance....so I brought him back. Since coming back Fusoya has been promoting a negativity across these forums that can no longer be ignored. He isn't a regular member, I would say he posts maybe 2-3 times in a 6 month period....but when he does post its usually taking a shot at myself, the website or our staff. His relentless comments and negativity have been ignored countless times by us.....and unfortunately he has been given too many "free passes". My decision to let Fusoya go has been a tough one, but I must take into effect that if we let him stay.....that it could deter new members from wanting to help for fear of being harassed by Fusoya.....or it could lead to an existing contributor leaving because they dislike the negativity he pollutes this site with. This site should be fun and a relaxed atmosphere.....not a place where you come and get pissed off. Please understand that NO ONE will ever be banned for giving CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. But if you are constantly promoting a toxic environment and trying to get under peoples skin....your time here will be limited. Ok stop reading this and go grab a magazine from the Download section -Phillyman
  20. Yeah I gotta move to Ubuntu 64bit soon, as the 32 bit version only sees the first 3GB of my 8GB.
  21. Well I use VirtualBox, which allows me to run XP within a Virtual Machine......So I get around it that way. My goal is to have a Dual Boot System....and have XP running within Ubuntu Vista x64 | | Ubuntu | XP
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