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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. Phillyman

    Not Cool!

    That is messed up, probably some kid that didnt get his dose of Ritalin, people dont think that this could have made those Firefighters unavailable for a real emergency.
  2. hmmm I am not sure what you mean? You mean this? = as in you were about to post a picture of what I am talking about and forgot to? or You mean this? = as in you don't believe what I said above and require further proof?
  3. Anyone remember the Super Mario Shampoo that Revlon made back in the 90's
  4. Will probably end up getting the Black one.....since my DS lite is white.....dont want to come off as a racist or anything
  5. You can buy the NDS/GBA cases directly from Nintendo (7 for $10) The Universal cases are sold by Mediashelving and another company.
  6. Nah I think next week I will just remove EGM from the choices....force you guys to pick something else
  7. Vote On Phillyman's Next Scan! To Be Scanned February 21st-27th 2009 Each week the Retromags community will vote on what I will scan the following week! I will pick four random magazines each week for you to choose from All Caught Up EGM Issue 5 ------------Gamers Republic Issue 1 GamePro Issue 19 ------------GameFan Issue 28
  8. No but I had this convo with the girl I hand the girl a CD with 43 images on it and ask for it to be printed out on 8x14 and in landscape mode Girl - Just so you know, we charge a $0.50 opening fee for multiple files, I wont charge you this time Me - Really, cant you just highlight all the files and right click and print? Girl = Yea I am about to do that Me - Oh thanks for letting me know Me - How about if I submit them online? Girl - I still need to open the files Me - How about if I throw all the files into a PDF file? Girl - That would work. Me - "Thinking" ......I am soo never coming back here!
  9. It cost me $0.59 to print each cover at Kinkos......and Nintendo sent me the cases (10 for $7)
  10. I still want someone to turn the old school NES track mat into a DDR game
  11. Let me explain.... Members vote from Saturday to Friday Night, then from Saturday morning until the next Friday I scan that issue, rinse and repeat. You will have 50% of the magazine by tonite, since this is a very early issue, I am preventing bleed thru with construction paper, which is slowing me down.....
  12. Funny enough I just found my Gold pin the other night
  13. I just beat it for the very first time, I came close when I was 8-9 years old, I made it to Death Mountain.....but let it be known that I just freaking beat one of the classics of all time :D :D Ok so that takes care of Link to the Past and LOZ, Now maybe time to beat Twilight Princess
  14. I will batch resize EVERYthing I have scanned covers for so far, the only thing missing from this will be about 50 Next Generation magazines that are at my desk at work.
  15. 23 hours left http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=110348372049
  16. I was more or less talking about the renaming of the entries. Not too sure what to do with the columns.....it is a bit messy.....and it doesnt line up with the index at the bottom. Maybe we could just do the Magazine info in the middle.....and then have the other two items (contents and index) centered under that?
  17. Sega Visions section totally finished
  18. Editpad has a great search and replace feature, I just redid the PSMIndex http://www.retromags.com/wiki/Template:PSMindex EDIT: Gamefan index now renamed also!
  19. I would stick with 300 DPI and the original resolution , we can always resize from there. Stealth ATF had some kick ass music for its day, crashing the plane was always fun
  20. I dont see any harm in what you are doing, the wiki is great for gathering information....but the Html site is great for permanently displaying such information. If it works, it works.......if it doesn't ....it doesn't. If all else fails, we can give Meppi an "articles" folder on the Retromags website to write up some html reviews on magazines and such.
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