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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. Kbf_private_joker is the scanner who is handling the Gamepro scans......I am not sure what he is doing with the issues after he scans them. You may want to check with him. I have a few also that as long as he has them....I wouldnt mind getting rid of for a nominal fee Welcome To Retromags! -Phillyman
  2. Not every month......Every 4 months If you think about it, if you joined up to this site .......didn't make even 1 post.......and then haven't been here in 365 days......what are the chances that you are coming back ever? The easiest way to avoid this is to just post 1 topic or reply
  3. Its been added under the name "Retromags 2.0" , I am still trying to figure out how to change the logo....as he compiled the skin a bit differently......and then I will be doing all the minor changes such as adding the Battle system
  4. 157 Members bit the dust early this morning, Next Pruning is July 10th
  5. I am soo tired of looking at this green skin, its a freebie.....but still I am getting tired of it. So I am looking here at new skins. http://www.transversestyles.com/index.php?tsv=products The one that sticks out the most to me is this one http://www.transversestyles.com/ipb/?skinid=206 I have been wanting to go to one skin for a while now, but havent found anything I truely like. Dont get me wrong I would love to have 2 different skins. I just dont have the time to go through and fix the emoticon's .....some on the Dark skin dont show up on the Light skin.....and vice versa. Anyways I will probably purchase a new skin and delete the 2 old ones come Friday.....Dark Skins are always easier on my eyes in the morning :laughing: -Phillyman
  6. In order to stir up some new members, Retromags will be randomly giving away 1 Year Premium Memberships. Here is how it works, we realize that many of our members are members of other gaming forums around the internet. Use either of the following codes for a Retromags signature, I will randomly pick a winner each week to have a 1 Year Premium Membership. Winners will be chosen at random, but there is no limit to how many forums you may use this signature on. Please obey other forums rules on signatures! Signature #1 (For Forums without images in signatures) [url=http://www.retromags.com]Retromags.com - Site Dedicated To Preserving Retro Gaming Magazines![/url] Shows up as.... Retromags.com - Site Dedicated To Preserving Retro Gaming Magazines! Signature #2 (For Forums with images in signatures) [img=http://www.retromags.com/retromags88.png] - [url="http://www.retromags.com"]Retromags.com - Site Dedicated To Preserving Retro Gaming Magazines![/url] Shows up as.... - Retromags.com - Site Dedicated To Preserving Retro Gaming Magazines! Winner April 18th = Winner April 25th = Winner May 2nd = Winner May 9th = Winner May 16th = -Phillyman
  7. Pruning = Deleting Every 3 months, I run a program that looks for members that have no posts and have been inactive for 365 days, if they meet both of those requirements, I delete them from this website. You don't need to worry as you have posted, so even if you go inactive for 365 days, you still don't meet the 0 posts requirement
  8. I almost fell off my chair laughing at this post on Craigslist.... need someone to take a dump on my neighbors fromt porch while I'm away (falls church) http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/evg/633319212.html
  9. Phillyman

    Scanning Tips?

    You dont need to cut them apart, its a preference. Meppi is the king of scanning magazines without debinding. I am sure he has a ton of tips
  10. Phillyman

    Scanning Tips?

    Welcome Xenepp Always glad to see a member step up and help out. I have a few questions for you. 1) Are you debinding the magazines? 2) Do you have an ADF? 3) Are the magazines glued together or stapled? 4) What is the model of your scanner? For my stapled magazines, I usually just use my Epson 3490 scanner, For Perfect bound (Glued) issues, I usually take them apart with a razor and feed them through my Automatic Document Feeder on my Canon MP830 For tips take a look in my signature I usually scan 300DPI, and my scans come out to a resolution of 2549x3299. After I have those scans all done I run them through Irfanview and resize them down to 250DPI and a standard width of 1400. Then they are ready to be released. Let me know if you have any more questions
  11. Neo Geo Pocket Color Metal Slug 1st Mission King Of Fighters Fatal Fury
  12. Post Your Retro Gaming Purchases here! Only Retro games and accessories (nothing current gen). Also make sure to upload an image I will start, I bought these 3 today The Castlevania Adventure Super Mario Land Castlevania II: Belmonts Revenge
  13. Welcome, Always glad to see another scanner come on board. I dont know if 5104x7016 is really needed, I usually scan at 300DPI and a resolution of 2549x3299.....but then resize it down with IrFanview to a width of 1400 and a DPI of 250 (the height comes out a little differently on each scan) I can send you my .ini file for IrfanFiew......or you can use the settings below...
  14. I was kicking around Craigslist today and found some good deals. While I dont expect someone to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a scanner to help scan magazines. There are A LOT of good scanner deals on Craigslist. HP 7310 All In One ($40) http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/sys/628856508.html HP PSC 1200 ($25) http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/sys/628752945.html Visioneer Scanner 7600 ($19) http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/sys/627778593.html You could always buy a used scanner, scan 5-10 magazines and then sell it on Craigslist after your done :cool:
  15. Supposedly some of the models of Dreamcast did not have any type of protection, so they could run copies of games or homebrew
  16. On April 10th 2008 we will be Pruning inactive accounts again. If I was to do it today it would affect 155 people. I have sent off emails to people who are about to be deleted.
  17. Well I guess I should rephrase, I already have a Dreamcast, I paid about $20 for it....but it suffers from the discoloration that plagued my my SNES. So I am thinking about buying a brand new boxed Dreamcast. They seem to run about $80 on Ebay, I just need to know what version I should be looking for :fear:
  18. So with two huge releases this month, which one is everyone going after? I think I will have to buy both of them
  19. I say go for it, it would be nice to have some of the holes filled
  20. Yea all you guys who emailed me....You were Pranked! I got all types of emails.....from sympathetic to skeptical to people asking for refunds...WTH! Anyways I had some code to clean up on the website so it had to go down anyways, and what better day then April 1st :devil: -Phillyman
  21. See thats why if you want reviews of N64 games, dont trust the reviews from these days, go back to the magazines that covered those games as they came out. If you try to review games that have been out for years.....your views are going to be influenced by newer games and the hype that was around those games.
  22. Where ya been slacker? :)

  23. Hmm off the top of my head quickly Mario 64 Golden Eye Mario Kart 64 Wave Race LOZ OOT LOZ MM What was soo hard about that
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