I am up to 14 stars, 1 more star and I will be able to beat the 2nd galaxy's boss. Its an great game in my opinion, The controls take about 20 minutes to get the hang of , but after that you will be comfortable. The Space Junkyard and honey comb worlds are my 2 favorite right now. I think the worlds in this Mario game are some of the best and most unique I have ever seen, Every time I get to go to a new world or galaxy I am very anxious to find out what it will be. It is now official that the Wii has a strong Zelda, Metroid and Mario game under there belt.....they should be unstoppable this Christmas season!
I have not seen a strong Zelda, Metroid and Mario game for a Nintendo Console since the SNES (no metroid for N64) and Sunshine and Windwaker just dont compare to Twilight Princess and Galaxy.
But thats my opinion