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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. If Nintendo saw this project, and decided to release out the Nintendo Power collection from 1988 to the present.....How much would you honestly be willing to pay per issue. This takes into account that all the issues would be the same price. So if Nintendo released out PERFECT electronic copies of all the past issues, what would be the most you would pay for each issue?
  2. Found something cool on Youtube that pertains to videogames? Post it up in here for us to watch!
  3. If you are found cheating in the Retromags Arcade, Casino or Battle System, you will lose that privilege. They are here for members to enjoy, not to abuse them! You will also have your account suspended for 30 days. Its just pathetic! Seriously grow up.. -Phillyman
  4. Won Nintendo Fun Club Issue 2 for $36 with Shipping! Still on the lookout for Issue 1 and 3
  5. Awesome, Just what I needed, Now I dont have to look at red X's
  6. Who lives in Ridley Park???......Jesus thats like a 5 minute ride from my parents house.
  7. Hey Racket! I got a PM coming your way in like 5 minutes!
  8. Add yourself to the Retromags Map
  9. Check your local Borders or Barnes and Noble, I grab a latte and read it for free each time a new one comes out :whistling:
  10. Yes it used to be 100 posts to enter the Magazine section, Now we lowered it to 5 posts to encourage people to post, but not high enough to worry about spam topics
  11. Thats a pretty awesome idea, I am in the progress of trying to buy issue 1 of Nintendo Power, I want to get a better set of covers then whats currently being used, Once I get one I will let you know so you can update it. Wonder if we can work the Retromags.com into that picture somehow .....
  12. As many of you may have noticed the releases have been a bit slow of lately, I am constantly trying to streamline how this website works. Also I am currently working on the reconstruction of the Nintendo Power Torrents. As many of you already know they will be condensed down into three 50 issue torrents and 8-9 individual issue torrents....bringing us up to issue 158/159 The work has been started as of yesterday unzipping all the .cbr files and recreating the file and directory structures. These new torrents will be releases as they are completed with the first one probably coming out in a week or two. What needs to be done 1) Unzip all .cbr files 2) Recreate directory structures 3) Standardize naming standard 4) Integrate supplements into each issues .cbr 5) Integrate missing posters 6) Intergrate missing covers 7) Intergrate missing comics 8) Integrate missing supplements 9) Check for missing pages 10) Remove player poll inserts from earlier issues 11) Remove Address lables from releases 12) Check for pages being out of order 13) Convert and Insert .nfo files into .jpg's and place as 2nd to last page of each .cbr 14) Insert Retromags Thank You Page as last page of each .cbr 15) Join Posters from 6 images into 2 images (front and back) As I get each of these things done I will post a status update below, Its gonna be nice once all this is done because then I can play with Sega Visions as my next project (which will be a quicker project)
  13. I can see where your coming from on this, I honestly go to Slickdeals.net and look for free magazine offers now adays. I have a subscription for GamePro and EGM up until like 2014 because of these free offers, Also I get Games for Windows and a few computer magazines for the next few years. The only paying sub I have right now is Nintendo Power.
  14. You must be stopped! j/k , Good Job
  15. GamePro Issue 071r (June 1995) CBR Versions: http://www.mininova.org/tor/846446 Please Help Us Out And Seed This File
  16. Man 1984 is way back......I was 5 years old and wouldnt get to play my Atari 2600 for another 2 years!
  17. WON! Gamepro 1996 Gamepro 1997 Gamepro 1998 Gamepro 1999
  18. I just got it tonite.......who wants to challenge me :devil:
  19. What kind of taste does the Retromags members have, Post your top 3 most beautiful women in your mind. Only 2 rules! 1) Only 3 Women 2) Cannot be Nude Here are my 3.... Keira Knightley Natalie Portman Kate Beckansale
  20. I heard about this on the radio today while driving to work , Worse part is the DJ was willing to pay $100 for anyone to do it for him while being live on the air. One person did it at an Arby's and another person did it to someone at Starbucks (with a frapachino) Kinda messed up because how do you finish your shift dripping wet and sticky
  21. *Raises Hand* I believe I have all 3 Nintendo Power Indexes Doesnt Index 1 cover 1-25 Index 2 covers 1-50 Index 3 covers 1-70 I will double check when I get a few minutes to raid the Retromags stash
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