Right Now I am concentrating on providing a little taste of everything on this site, But I will be moving back to Nintendo Power very soon , And I am gonna fucking finish that set. All Missing Issues, All Missing Comics, All Missing Covers, All Missing Posters.......will be scanned and released!
I am gonna do quality control and compare each scanned release to its physical counterpart, Starting with Issue 001 and moving forward 1 issue at a time......Every 50 Issues will be released out as a Near Final Torrent. So the final 3 torrents will be
Nintendo Power Issues 001-050
Nintendo Power Issues 051-100
Nintendo Power Issues 101-150
Nintendo Power Issues 151
Nintendo Power Issues 152
Nintendo Power Issues 153
Nintendo Power Issues 154
Nintendo Power Issues 155
Nintendo Power Issues 156
Nintendo Power Issues 157
Nintendo Power Advance Will be placed in the corresponding set. Now back to my comment about "Near Final Torrent", The reason I say it as Near Final is because there will be two run thru's of the Nintendo Power Set. The First quality check will just be for missing pieces, The Second quality check will be an very critical look at the set to eliminate the following
Crooked Pages
Dog eared pages
Creased Pages
Minor Ripped Pages
Color/Brightness/Contrast Issues
We will go thru each issue and try to create the Perfect Set