Well Retromags.com has aquired and scanned yet another Premier Videogame magazine. This time its Sega Visions from the summer of 1990. This makes our 5th Premier Videogame issue released so far. We are always looking for more people to join our talented team of scanners/editors. If any of you guys have a scanner or know how to touch up images with Photoshop, Give us a hollar. Even a few dollars donated helps out our cause. This issue cost us $15 plus shipping. If you have no money , Let other forums know of our project
Every little bit helps!
Premier Issues Released By Retromags
Nintendo Power
Sega Visions
Mega Play
Premier Issues Comming Soon!
Turbo Play
Next Generation
Sega Vision Issue 1 (Jun-Jul 1990)
CBR Version http://www.mininova.org/tor/385134
RapidShare Link http://rapidshare.de/files/27989270/Sega_V...ue_001.zip.html
Please Help Us Out and Seed This File