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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. So i think the Wii will be my first choice .....then when the 360 drops in price i will get that also PS3 is gonna be my last choice .....i am not spending $600
  2. I have 50gigs of Storage and 500 gigs of bandwidth a month ....i barely use a fraction of that
  3. And where exactly does Keving live ......and when will he be on vacation :ph34r: :whistlingb: Nice Collection of mags!
  4. No i believe the Playstation was gonna be an Addon for the SNES .....Nintendo screwed up the deal by not agreeing to paying Sony 40% royalties .....and the deal went south .....Sony wasnt tied to Nintendo any longer and made the Playstation in 1995 Now as for CD-I .......Again Nintendo Screwed up and thru a legal loophole .....Phillips had the rights to use Zelda series to make a game .....I forget how CD-I got away with this Source
  5. Ooooh .....i didnt see that ......Hmmmm So who has about 4000 gil and wants to start one with me :ph34r:
  6. 10,000 sounds fair though ......its roughly about 200-250 posts on this forum .....remember you get Gil from posting topics ....you get more Gil from starting a topic then you do from replying to one ......I would be at around 7000 gil if i hadnt used some for potions to attack people ......Guilds/Clans should be a tiny bit hard to start up ....otherwise we will end up with every new person that signs up starting there own clan you could always try winning the lottery .....there is 6000 gil up for grabs there Unfortunatly there is no way for a person to donate gil to another member .....but in theory i might be able to write a small patch of code that allows this ....or ask someone to write it for me
  7. Who are you kidding .....MBJ is gonna be on my team , you can have Eggman Or does MBJ have intentions of starting his own clan
  8. Buick Century 1998 (Full Powers)
  9. No but i remember playing Math Muncher and Oregon Trail back in Elementry School
  10. Absolutly not .......Any Videogame magazine thats in English is welcome to be submitted
  11. Nintendo Wii Nintendo DS = Touching is good I think Nintendo is trying to tell us something
  12. I just wish my girlfriend would let me play some Halo 2
  13. Another one bites the dust ......Glad to see the goverment actually got someone of importance Source
  14. It was the number of years that i decided to stay back from the current issue ......it was gonna be 10 years behind .....but i feel as though 5 years behind the current issue is enough time to give the publishers so that we arent imposing on there sales
  15. I bought a copy about 5 months ago ....even though i dont have a 2600 .....i plan to get one soon .....i can remember playing ET and Custards Revenge when i was 7 years old and not being able to figure out what i was doing in either
  16. Thats my Girlfriends Brothers TV ....not hers or mine I work 2 jobs ....one is a grocery store and the other is for Geeksquad (aka Bestbuy) I wonder the same about you
  17. Would love to get my hands on some UK stuff ......Unfortunatly most Ebay members wont ship to the USA .....or charge too much to do so ......Hence the reason for this forum ......Hopefully we can get a few members from the UK and they can help us scan that stuff
  18. I just watched thru the whole Anime .....and it was fantastically done ....but the ending just made no sense to me ......If Angels were attacking Nerv to get to Lilith and create the Third Impact ......why did SEELE want to kill the Angels ......Wasnt SEELE trying to create the Third Impact also ? Waits for Nethvar to ask me how many forums i have posted these questions in so far
  19. Renewal Cards are not important ......Basically scan anything that equals a page number in the magazine But be careful with that statement .....cuz Nintendo Power loved to count posters as page numbers in some issues and not others .....if you know the poster is missing or such .....make a note when you send them off to KMFDManic for incorporation into the collection
  20. Yea the database will stay intact ......but i have to re-edit all the Php files to access those files .....Each Mod usually edits 5-7 pages .....not really looking forward to doing so
  21. Im sorry guys ....Here is the situation I havent had time to look into Exactly the problem ......and even if i do find out I have to upgrade the forum software soon .....that means all changes that i made to the forum since installation .....will have to be done again :( Forum Battle System Forum Arcade Forum Casino Downloads System PM on Registration Forum Lottery I am really not looking forward to doing all that But will try looking into it soon
  22. I plan to build one within the next 18months ......Gonna buy the blueprints from Mameroom.com on there UAII and buy a SlikStik Classic Controller......I have a Pentium 4 (3.0HT) with 465 gigs of harddrive set aside for emulation and gonna get a 25-27 inch Arcade monitor I just wonder if i should buy the blank Classic or the one where they install all the hardware .....wonder how much of a price difference it would be to buy the blank and buy that hardware to install myself
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