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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. Gonna lay out some simple rules 1) No Linking to or Requesting (Roms, Warez, Keygens, Bios...etc) (Instant Ban!) 2) No Posting Nude Pictures 3) No Dodging the Curse Filter 4) No Posting Racist Stuff 5) No Flaming/Trolling 6) No Spamming 7) No Double Posting 8) No Links or Pictures to Gross Stuff (Animal Cruelty, Mutilation, Dismemberment...etc) 9) Posting Gibberish to get around the 5 post requirement will get you banned FOREVER! 10) Topic's or Replies that do not have a complete sentence will be deleted and you will be suspended for 30 days Number 9 and 10 have been added because people keep replying to topics with the following... "thats cool" "I like that" " " I don't think it's that hard to create 5 topics and/or replies on this forum, If you cannot take 10 minutes to make 5 REAL POSTS then we honestly don't need you as a member of our community! The moderators of this forum have been instructed to delete any posts they deem as a cheap tactic to get to 5 posts! The Rules are pretty simple....Other then that .....Have fun!
  2. By no means......Zttfan cannot take a joke I see ....whats good for the newsbot isnt good for the Zttbot We love the Zttfan scanning machine
  3. Yup i won the first issue of TurboPlay ......Gonna scan it when i get it for ya guys Cant let Zttfan show me up
  4. So building my computer last night.......was switching out videocards.......somehow the Powersupply died in my main computer between the switches So now i gotta RMA for another unit......Jeez this isnt my week :( Gonna pull a Harddrive outta that unit tommorow .....and see if i can partition windows on it.....But that ThermalTake Blue orb isnt cooling as good as i thought So First gonna see if the local computer shop has something better......Right now the computer is idle at 60C.....which isnt great So gonna be tied down for a while on my end guys
  5. Got $10 from me Remember Guys ....I just sent him 37 Nintendo Powers to scan
  6. Shows how sick i still am Check your u2u for new info
  7. I am feeling alot better.....looks like it was a 12-24 hour virus Gonna try to release out a magazine tonite 420 or Mr. Slayer.......I need Nintendo Power Advance Issue 1 edited once ya get a chance I should be buying a 2nd scanner within the next few weeks....with autofeeding! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1118844247833
  8. How did you get those mags soo fast......I still have yet to recieve any of mine :(
  9. I only have maybe 3 Genesis games.....because i got the Sega Channel back then ......so i downloaded and played the games that way Anyone Else remember the Sega Channel?
  10. I believe there are different versions of Nintendo Power ......I have seen UK versions .....and they look totally different Not sure how many different ones there are
  11. Dont know if i brought it up on this forum before ........but i have a seizure disorder.......Its not like i am one of those guys that goes into seizures each day or week .......Maybe every 12-18 months I have a "Bad Day" So what brings them on? .......Honestly no one knows .......been having them since age 5.........but they have slowed down over the last few years.......But I have noticed what usually makes me go into a seizure Catching a Cold.........Not the simple stuffy nose or chest cold ........im talking the Fever and Chills or Throwing Up Changes in my Diet..........last time i tried serious weight loss........i had lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks......A seizure came shortly after Emotional Stress........When a Close Family Member dies So why am i telling you this? Yesterday i was at Bestbuy ........and i was talking to one of my coworkers .......about how he called out last Saturday........Anyways he told me that he was immensly sick .......I then explained to him that i would rather be the only person working in our department .......then to have someone that is really sick .....Fever, Chills , Throwing up ......Come to work He basically told me ......that he had those symptoms.........And i told him in the future not to hesitate calling out if thats whats wrong.........And i explained how those types of sicknesses throw me into seizures Well 9:30 this morning ......I wake up thirsty.......so i stumble to the refridgerator ......poor myself a big glass of OJ........then go lay back down and go to sleep again ........Around 10am i wake up feeling quesy in my stomach .......And started to get the chills ........I thought to myself ......Just duckling Great! Whatever sickness hit me today........totally flocked me up .......I ended up dropping into at least 2 seizures .......and probably threw up about 8-10 times today......Absolutly HORRIBLE DAY! ........In the last 5 years i have maybe caught 3 stomach viruses ........and combined together maybe puked about 6 times over the last 5 years Today Every 45 minutes i was throwing up .......i had a trashcan next to my bed and just would hang my head over the bed .......I havent eaten a single thing all day long .......Just been drinking Gingerale and Gatorade........cuz with the fever and throwing up ......i must have lost alot of electrolites........man i was soo weak that i could barely call my workplace to tell them i might not make it in on Wed Oh and that glass of OJ ......that i drank in the morning ......Felt like Molten Lava comming up ......If you are living in the USA ......and in the East coast........whatever is going around .......YOU DONT WANT THIS! Im wondering if i should try to eat some saltines or something right now? I have no appetite ......but i dont want to upset my stomach again .......Luckly Gingerale is probably the best thing you can have in your stomach if you catch this ......otherwise i would have been Dry Heaving .......Jesus what a day........I had wanted to build my Dual Core PC this morning .......who knows .....maybe tommorow it will have totally passed Oh and if any of you guys go to work sick ......Stop it! ........If your sick ......Stay the flock Home!
  12. Woke up this morning at 10am ........fever and chills........lost count of how many times i have puked.....must be over 6 :( So i will be outta commision for a while Been drinking GingerAle all day .....but it only stays down for about 45 minutes........this really sucks .......and i know which one of my coworkers gave it to me
  13. Phillyman

    Fun Club Releases

    http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/4245/17tf1.jpg http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/1332/28di1.jpg There you go!
  14. Its really the best for variety of games....think about all the great titles Super Mario World Mario Kart Super Metroid Legend Of Zelda Link to the Past Castlevania IV Star Fox Stunt Racer FX F-Zero Super Punch Out Super Mario All Stars Plus you had the adapter for Gameboy games :clap: .......Its really ashame Nintendo Screwed up partnering with Sony ......The Addon Sony was making for the SNES was a Disc Drive called "Playstation" Microsoft and Sega would have never stood a chance!
  15. Which Retro Console is your favorite I think Super Nintendo Cant be beat........Superb controller for its time.......and a great library of games........Followed closely By Playstation
  16. Lets see your guys shopping habbits Kingston 1 Gig DDR2 667 PC2-5300 (kit) Edit ..... Just Bought this for Dinner .....dunno why but i been craving a pot pie
  17. Its up to you .......not too many people added themselves to the last map.......thats why i didnt bring it over......feel free to run yours if you want .......doesnt matter to me which one is used
  18. Phillyman

    Fun Club Releases

    Gimme a few ....and i will post them right here
  19. Its actually not that bad.......50 cents bulletproof kinda sucks though.......lame rip off of Punisher game
  20. There was one created already www.frappr.com/retromags
  21. Phillyman

    3d Or Not

    Ok Very Simple ......which videogames were better as 2D? .........and which games are better as 3D? Better In 2D Zelda Metroid Castlevania Better In 3D Grand Theft Auto Mario
  22. Burnout Legends = PSP Mortal Kombat Shaloin Monks = Xbox Mario and Luigi In Time = DS Far Cry = PC Really dont have much time to spend on games .....but soon
  23. Phillyman

    Fun Club Releases

    A Torrent would probably be best......Go ahead and upload it to the usual place .....and just link back to the site........Once its uploaded i will help seed I have the following issues at my desk in physical form Zelda Issue Mike Tyson Issue Sports Wrap Up Issue
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