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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. luckily this 10TB drive is just a single disk, no RAID. And its only purpose is a scratch drive for downloads befor… https://t.co/AP0Rf1C1J6
  2. While the Western Digital RMA process was not as easy as I hoped, and my RMA was closed out with no notes or tracki… https://t.co/pfr1GCi5AY
  3. RT @GameHistoryOrg: Just came back to the office from a nice weekend and wow, our Winter Fundraiser is almost at $80k?? For a small org lik…
  4. Updated Release - Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 95 (June 1997) https://t.co/81sPyJu1Xa
  5. @benheck Not sure sleep apnea caused that for me. As for as long as I can remember, even as a kid, I could pack awa… https://t.co/Ggqqjfv7bi
  6. @benheck For a while I thought it was my bladder, that I was just getting older (40+) and would need to piss during… https://t.co/bRUr3FL4S2
  7. @benheck @wesmakesstuff 2 weeks of scruff is enough to start messing with my mask, that is probably only 3-4mm of hair
  8. @benheck @wesmakesstuff CPAP is a pain with beards, had to shave mine. otherwise my mask leaked and I didnt get the full benefit.
  9. @benheck When Covid hit I put on another 50lbs, which brought out sleep apnea for me. Waking 2-4 times a night, bas… https://t.co/Rj1xH3m9jv
  10. What a fantastic watch! https://t.co/CFyaltWVEO
  11. Updated Release - Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 94 (May 1997) https://t.co/lyjkORyfZG
  12. only 9 more years until we can scan this one.... https://t.co/2AuuZ3LXXz
  13. https://t.co/5MesrFNEBS
  14. except instead of games, my daughters are getting 1000lbs of magazines 🤣 https://t.co/ecAjAAtJdU
  15. @CGQuarterly Love this issue!
  16. RT @CGQuarterly: New video up on CGQ this morning. A 2-hour readthrough of one of the greatest issues of EGM ever printed, and in 4K! Sorr…
  17. @GamewithDave SNES all day long. Mario Kart, SMW, Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong 1-3, F-Zero.....plus… https://t.co/joSWTZLhfS
  18. @coffee_anytime The year was 1998, I was 18 and wanted to get a tribal arm band around my bicep. Soo glad I didn't!… https://t.co/qso50hjTOw
  19. Small update to Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 238 (Spring 2010). The second cover is now included. https://t.co/i6gNeug0zX
  20. Updated Release - Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 93 (April 1997) https://t.co/Qr23J41w0M
  21. @GideonOnGaming @DSKoopa @LockPickingLwyr little click out of two, three is binding.....tiny bit of counter rotation on four.....
  22. @NanakiSkywalker @karljobstgaming You are not missing much, this is my view. https://t.co/MxLQl2pHGi
  23. @NanakiSkywalker watch it, he might add you to the @karljobstgaming lawsuits.
  24. @TheRealZophar I mean the worst has to be Custers Revenge on the 2600, the entire goal of the game is to avoid arro… https://t.co/5BByMy4Dz5
  25. @LoveRetroBTW I owned a Genesis, but after I already had the trifecta of the NES, GB and SNES. I remember being blo… https://t.co/zi0cCMtVup
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