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Everything posted by Phillyman

  1. if you have these hanging from the back of a TV in your home, we can be friends! https://t.co/b8IZkg3d1d
  2. New Release - Electronic Gaming Monthly's Player's Guide to Video Games for the Nintendo 64 (Spring 1998)… https://t.co/3FYHFsegGa
  3. @LoveRetroBTW and my mall had an Electronics Boutique and a Babbages if I remember correctly
  4. @LoveRetroBTW I worked in the mall for a few years. So yeah, pretty much spent my lunch breaks blowing my checks th… https://t.co/qi0ZlnFQTl
  5. @CGQuarterly Also I tried 8, hated it, then tried again with X and disliked that as well. Maybe made it 10-20% thru… https://t.co/TmuYijlxHg
  6. @CGQuarterly You and me both, I grabbed it when it came out. I put about 97 hours into the game, beat the game. But… https://t.co/pdtvIVeZMg
  7. https://t.co/1m41jyxjPJ
  8. https://t.co/4JOMpDMLAz
  9. New Release - Electronic Gaming Monthly's Player's Guide to Sports Video Games) (Fall 1998) https://t.co/jL38IcvhXu… https://t.co/i84vcF3Rjh
  10. @OtakuExile Which category? 100% Clean Plate or Mens Room Any %?
  11. @LoveRetroBTW My memory is working 3-10pm at the grocery store, stopping by Denny's for a bacon cheeseburger and se… https://t.co/fhEoZKaLHD
  12. New Release - Electronic Gaming Monthly's Player's Guide to Sports Video Games (Summer 1997)… https://t.co/MKxCZ8zcS4
  13. @GrapeadeFade not gonna lie, this picture looks better than my taco night! https://t.co/wHQ26GSFd2
  14. What type of game genre is this? Is it a platformer, racing. puzzle? https://t.co/SyltHLFscY
  15. New Release - EGM's Unofficial Gamecube Guide (Winter 2003) https://t.co/tvlHGZuv2D

    Thanks to @GameHistoryOrg for… https://t.co/EYtbfiNFdz
  16. @benjedwards You know what, I just did! https://t.co/UyX6Lc6845
  17. @benjedwards I would draw squares all over it, because that is how I roll!
  18. not liking Etsy, how can you say my order is shipped, when the tracking number just says that the label has been pr… https://t.co/bVXD46QkqR
  19. @nintendolife I want the Super Mario All Stars treatment for the NES Zelda games.
  20. a Pokemon Silver made out of Pure Silver. If someone ever mass produces these shells, I would be down to grab one! https://t.co/nk9BWrlcYU
  21. @LoveRetroBTW Like Mario Mario, or a game with Mario in it? Will come down to the 16 bit era either way. Super Mari… https://t.co/49DmTirz2d
  22. @GameHistoryOrg am I to guess that the carousel is somehow to represent Circus Atari?
  23. @namcostyle @GameHistoryOrg @GamingAlexandri @JapaneseMagScan @ComfortFoodVG come on in, the pool is nice and warm!
  24. https://t.co/zafZSgbA3X
  25. @KNIGHTFALLx fun fact, my high school in the late 90's had a Taco Bell in our cafeteria. They only had 4 items thou… https://t.co/GL4ZiLed7B
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