So we only rate what we really like and what we hate? I can do that.
note: The reply thing at the bottom of the thread takes forever to let me write. Is it just me?
The last one I played was Shadowgate. There should really be a remake of this game. It would really improve in it's setting making it scarier with todays graphics and sounds.
I would like to add MMO. I actually like those games but the time required to be worthy of anything is too much for me. I have a life besides playing online.
I hope it doesn't come with extra pay/download crap. I mean FF:MLADL sucked because of that. The game came out at $10 USD with $50 of downloads. That to me is good business but no respect for the consumer.
Will be buying it asap. But I'm short on cash and it's $80USD here, and that's the cheapest I could find. Too many expenses this month. High gas, phone and electricity costs. I dunno what I did.
Somewhat like one of those old movie theaters with lighted posters, popcorn machine, arcade machines in the back. And recliners. Red and gold. Very old fashion looking.
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