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Everything posted by Gnash

  1. Some Metal Slugs would be nice
  2. The options have been great so far but I do expect some of the better games that came out for Neo Geo.
  3. Sounds interesting but who knows what the sony card overall anual cost might be.
  4. The PSP had a great release of games this year too but I think it's on it's way out. Nothing will stop Nintendo in the portable area.
  5. It's also said that the Wii is a fad that will move on. I doubt it, but many people argue this.
  6. Beer. Guiness, Corona or Heineken.
  7. Very good set of instructions. Is this pinned?
  8. I have a Dreamcast but it's not modded since it's not required to play backups.
  9. I have the same proble people describe with Zelda TP. Once I start playing I can't stop but I have a hard time getting started.
  10. Back in those days they had us second guessing everything. They would always deny any hardware projects they were working on :(
  11. Clothes, clothes and more clothes.
  12. BTW why is this in emulation news?
  13. I always felt weird having the same type of char twice in a team. Like a clone or something.
  14. I don't think the PS3 will overtake the overall sales of the 360 this year but I think it will sell more this 2008.
  15. So the year will be ending soon and it looks like the Wii will win this years console war. What I amazed and really thinking about is that the PS3 will probably win over the Xbox 360 next year. With the drop on price I think it spells doom for the Xbox 360. Once final fantasy XIII is out I think the fight will be over. What are your predictions? I think 2008 will be like this 1st place Wii 2nd place PS3 3rd Place Xbox 360 If you include Handhelds 1st place DS 2nd place Wii 3rd place PS3 4th place Xbox 360 5th place PSP
  16. Welcome all the new people, most of the NP issues you can find on torrent sites also. The Final Fantasy guide is in one of the earlier years
  17. LOL I had a sad setup like that with my PC hooked up to my TV. I bought last a week a signal selector thingy to fix the problem.
  18. I wouldn't go Quad. A duo would be ok. I think the best component if you're making a game rig would be the Vid Card. Make a good investment on this and you will be happy for some time
  19. Wii: Componet AV cable Is anyone using this on their Wii? I'm wondering if it's worth buying. Or I should just spend the money on a game. If it will make a difference then it's worth it, if I'm only going to tell anything with a super 52" TV then no thanks. Any feedback would be great
  20. Gnash

    Why .cbr?

    I rather view using the default winxp viewer. For all you PDF users, Foxit really helps in viewing, loading times are so short that overall it's a better viewer than Adobe. I do get some glitches when viewing texts sometimes, but for images in PDF format it's great.
  21. It's also a nice feature to be a "show off" to people that don't have a Wii. I do that all the time. Hehehehe.
  22. The sales of the DS passed the 20,000,000 mark in japan in November. It only took 3 years, while the psp took 6 years to reach the same goal. I think Nintendo is doing things right, concentrating on fun and creativity more so than graphics and raw processing power.
  23. So money doesn't grow on trees. People poop it now! I wonder what other things rich people will waste their money on. Pooping Neo Geo carts maybe...
  24. I think this is a good topic so I will bring it back I've finished Final Fantasy Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy II USA) Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III USA) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest I would have to say VI is probably the best one. But I enjoy playing Cecil quite a bit more than any other character so I have fond memories of Final Fantasy II, it was the second game of this series that I had besides the first one. I've played all other Final Fantasy games but haven't finished any other. I'm more of a Dragon Quest Man Sometimes I play Final Fantasy IX just for the tetramaster thing.
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