I posted this in another forum but it's something that is bothering me so I want to post it here too.
Lately I've been reading on different sites about how the Wii is weak and it's a casual game console. That the Xbox360 and PS3 are the real gamers console. Graphics this, graphics that. Why is it that games like Gears of War, Halo, and all the other spawns of the same style are "gamer" games? Too be honest along with sports it's the least type of game I like to play. I think the Wii is great, I think the Xbox360 is great and the PS3 is also great. I only own a Wii but thinking about buying a PS3. The Wii is great because it let's me relieve what I played back in the old days. That's what I like about it. I like to play all my Mario and Zelda games on the same console and be able to pick them from a nice channel menu. All of them lined up in chronological order.
This all comes to my story in gaming. I've been gaming since I could hold a controller. I played Pac-Man, Asteroids, Phoenix, Space Invaders, Chopper to death on the Atari 2600. Then the Nes came along and played Mario, Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, The Legend of Zelda. Then I had to own a Genesis and get back into fighters, shooters and of course Sonic and Phantasy Star. We were not very wealthy so my Genesis was second hand and back then I always dreamed of owning a Turbo Grafx 16 or a Neo Geo. Then the Super Nintendo came along and I couldn't stay behind. Street Fighter, Donkey Kong Country, Mario World, F-Zero and of course Final Fantasy, and the other epic jrpgs. This kept up with the next generations while playing also everything good on the PC like Diablo, Ultima, Star Craft and all the fun RPGs. Being short on cash I would have to sell to be able to move forward. Something I consider a stupid move now but back then it made sense. So then I learned that Nintendo was releasing a new console called the Wii and it was not going to be very powerful, but then I heard the magic words "Virtual Console" and Game Cube play. I could now get all those games on one console. And now that I have a bit more money, not much but a little more, I want all of it back.
So why am I telling you guys all this? Because after many forum threads and posts by people in Kotaku, Destructoid and other "gaming" sites. I came to the conclusion that to the new kids on the block I'm not a "gamer" I'm not a gamer because I own a casual console. Because I don't think Halo is the pinnacle of gaming. Because even though I appreciate the art in graphics I don't buy a game based on it. Because I could care less that the Xbox360 has a xx Ghz CPU, the PS3 a cell thingy and the Wii a mouse on a wheel. I know what they have, the specs, because I like games but it doesn't affect my gaming decisions. I'm not a gamer because I think the Dreamcast is one of the best consoles ever released even though it didn't stand a chance, but in my house it's right next to the Wii. I do not know now what I am, but I know that I'm not a what is no days known as a "gamer". I will buy a PS3 not because it's more powerful than what I own now, but because there are now games that I consider good enough to make the purchase worthwhile.
I might be wrong but the only synonym I can find to what I consider people call a "gamer" is just a fanboy and I think most of us here that have been there done that are anything but a fanboy.
So let's find a new name to what we are because we are more than just "gamers".
PS I wanted to get my point across so I posted this same thing somewhere else