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Everything posted by Gnash

  1. Only Final Fantasy II or IV Japan can come close. Along with my other favorite IX. IMO VII was made to be liked by a wider audience which it did. But real jrpg players know that VII has nothing on III aka VI Japan.
  2. I'm on the lookout for the game, but it's quite expensive in my area. I will buy it eventually though.
  3. The graphics still look good to me
  4. It's one of those games I always mean to play but never get around to doing it.
  5. The lock on cart was the best ever. It was like buying 3 awesome games in one.
  6. Good game, bad add. The game deserved something way better than that.
  7. I have the Mega Man Anniversary Collection, Mega Man 9 Wii and Mega Man 8 PC. That should cover the whole original Mega Man. Now I'm working on X.
  8. My father in law had the same type of cancer, he didn't make it after 3 months. Patrick made a good fight, but it's one of the worst cancers.
  9. No metrovania. It's going to be classic but hey some of the best ones are classic. Castlevania III and Rondo of blood.
  10. i will probably buy a DS Lite since I rather have the Gba play than the other features.
  11. Spirit Detective

  12. No, but I wouldn't buy one. I'm looking for one of the older 40GB ones with hardware play for PS1 and PS2. But those are hellishly expensive being used and all.
  13. I had an Atari but the Nes is probably when I really became interested. So Nes age.
  14. Most fighting games I rather watch since I suck at them.
  15. I would have to say GameCube/Wii. Why both? Because I never owned an actual GameCube. I started collecting for my Wii. The total between the two adds up to about... 39 GameCube Games 12 Wii Games 22 Virtual Console Games 1 Wiiware Game So I can play a total of 74 games on my Wii. All legit. I expect that list to go past 100 in less than a year
  16. I think so the anniversary games for PSP are Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II Japan.
  17. There was no PSP remake of that game that I know of You mean GBA or NDS?
  18. BTW it seems the Nes game refund is legit. I have a message in my Wii saying by the end of October we can claim our game.
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