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Everything posted by Gnash

  1. I just finished Phantasy Star Gaiden for the Game Gear. Very lite RPG. Not very challenging but you do have to grind near the end.
  2. I'm on the computer all day at work. Any way I can help with during that time?
  3. Just a 2D Sonic would be fine. I don't see the need to make a big deal about how it's HD. It's fine that it is but not necessary. That just tells me there will be no Wii version when a big part of the Sonic fans are on the Nintendo camp now. Let's hope it's good. Like all Sonic fans I will probably buy it no matter how good or bad it is.
  4. Gnash

    Movie Purchases!

    I don't now why but I just don't like Selma Blair.
  5. I'm quite happy playing Nes, Snes, N64 and Genesis games on my Wii. Even though it's the same game the video output of the Wii really enhances the quality of colors and sharpness of those games. That's why I've been investing in Virtual Console games.
  6. Too many to list here. Around 50 games or so :( I wish I could play them. Too many Virtual Console, Wiiware, Wii and Game Cube games.
  7. I support the idea of selling individual issues for a better profit. The problem is that some issues are more common, so you might sell the rare ones, but you could end up with some unable to sell :( Depends on what you want. Profit on the long run or a quick buck and not having those magazines using up space.
  8. LOL same here. I could probably buy extra lives and tanks but I rather do it without that "aid"
  9. It also had really short controller cables. If anyone didn't know the controllers use regular ps/2 connectors. Like a pc keyboard and mouse before usb. So you can get extension cables very cheap ;D
  10. Lately I've been playing Turbo games and it made me wish I had owned one back in the Nes age. If it had more games and just a little bit more publicity it would have been the best console back then. Maybe it wasn't a true 16bit machine but it sure had some great graphics and games. But I have to admit, it also came with quite a bit of crap games and the covers... well... no comment on that.
  11. There's a lot of crap in that list but like Areala mentioned, some are worth it. I would go with Legacy of Kain first. Although I liked the PC version better.
  12. I had the original back in the Nes days. At least this time it's the original, you can buy it if you don't have it, not like other times that they just update a few things to make you buy them. Besides I'm quite happy on how the Wii makes the Nes graphics sharper and more colorful than the actual Nes. Try a side by side comparison. And that's just the Nes, when you compare the N64 VC versus the original the improvement is amazing.
  13. Metroid, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Super C, River City Ransom, Castlevania III, Castlevania, Star Tropics, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2, Punch-Out, The Legend of Zelda, The Legendo of Zelda - The Adventure of Link. You could also wait for Final Fantasy if it's released before the end of the year.
  14. Not many replies to this so let's get this thread going. Sorry for the double post. But I thought it would be better if I just kept it going here and not a new one. What Nes would you get in exchange for what you paid for the internet channel? I'm probably getting Castlevania III.
  15. My Genesis was used so I got a really good deal back then $100 with about 10 games. This was around when the Snes was released. I guess the previous owner wanted a Snes.
  16. The Wii Internet Channel is now available for free. If you feel like and idiot like I did for paying for it, do not despair, all is not lost. Nintendo will be letting you download a Nes game of your choice for free at the end of October. So keep your eyes open to cash in your game Link: Nintendo
  17. What I hate about my era of games is that we didn't have real reviews, so I spent quite a few bucks on bad games. Nintendo Power would hype stupid games while not looking at some great ones.
  18. I would never consider Kid Icarus to be in the top 10. It's a good game just not top 10 material with all the other great games available for the Nes.
  19. I think certain games are better on 2D just as other games are better on 3D. The best Castlevania games are 2D, same with Sonic. But some others are nice to see in 3D, I can't imagine a 2D Halo.
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