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Everything posted by mpx

  1. I was googling for old videgame magazines and find you web site
  2. Suikoden 1,2,3 Chrono Trigger and Cross FF 7 Crusader of centy Radiant Historia
  3. GamePlay 86 February 2010 GamePlay 87 March 2010 GamePlay 88 April 2010 GamePlay 89 May 2010 GamePlay 90 June 2010 GamePlay 91 July 2010 GamePlay 92 August 2010 GamePlay 93 September 2010 GamePlay 94 October 2010 GamePlay 95 November 2010
  4. Here in Croatia I was buying GamePlay from 2002 to 2011. Last month was last issue of GamePlay (issue 99). And next month same journalist that have making GamePlay will publish new magazine called Next Level.
  5. Riki issue 0 (Czech Republic) download
  6. Excalibur issue 1 download
  7. Here is Czechoslovakian magazine Excalibur from 1990 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WMN4W24B
  8. PlayJoy (Serbia) issue 2 1995 download
  9. mpx

    Site Suggestions

    Thanks on reply I will uploading scans on retromags In near future I will begin making my scans of Croatian videogame magazins
  10. PlayJoy (Serbia) no. 1 1995 download
  11. In my free time I will upload these magazines: Megazin (Slovenia) - 10 issues Excalibur (Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic) - 53 issues Joystick (Czech Republic) - 5 issues Riki (Czech Republic) - 24 issuess Score (Czech Republic) - 32 issues Level (Czech Republic) - 19 issues And after that I will scan and upload croatian magazines like Hacker, PSX, GamePlay, PC Play..
  12. Here is my new magazine Its first issue of Czech videogame magazine Score from 1994 download
  13. Hello. For Saturn I recomend you Offical Sega Saturn Magazine (UK) I dont know is this magazine available for download on Retromags but if isnt i can send you PM with link where you can download all 37 issues of this magazine
  14. And here is my my upload Club Nintendo (Slovenia) from 1993. download http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5SAI3DNW
  15. My second upload was Pilot Video Yugoslav videogame magazine from 1985 download download download
  16. mpx

    Site Suggestions

    I have one sugestion. Is it possible to change International magazines category? For example can you add categories like Europe and than subcategories like Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Croatia, and other countries? And than in subcategory of each country there will be name of magazines. I think it will be good idea. I know that this site is US and UK centric but there was a lot of magazines good around the world. For example in Croatia there was Hacker (1994 - 2005), Master (1995), PC Play (1998 - 2010), PSX (1999 - 2002), PSX (1999 -2002)... Can you add that? Your site is only site with lot of magazines and on internet i find some regional old magazines projects. For now i think that isnt good that magazines from rest of world dont have categories. They are on international and misc :( Can you change this please?
  17. Here is my first magazine Master This is first and only issue of Master. Master was Croatian magazine. You can found it in international misc download section
  18. Hello. In this topic i will post about old videogames magazines scans that I have upload to megaupload. I am from Croatia and I have a lot of videogame magazines (mint and near mint) from 1995 do 2011 and in future I will starting scaning some of them. For now I will only upload old videogame magazinese that I found on other web sites. I will upload magazines with permission of people who made the scans. Tomaž from http://retrospec.sgn.net/users/tomcat/yu/revije.php and Martin from http://www.oldgames.sk/en/casopis/ gave mi permission to upload mgazines from their web sites to Retromags I noticed lack of European magazines and i will upload old Yugoslav, Croatian, Serbian, Czech ana other east european nations video game magazines. In near future I will scan and upload Croatian videogame magazines like Hacker (1994 - 2005), PC Play (1998 - 2010) - i will make scans for issues 0 to 10, PSX (1999 - 2002), HR PlayStation Magazine (1999 - 2001) - croatian edition of UK PSM and PlayStation Power HR (1999 - 2000 only 5 issues) - Croatian edition of UK Playstation Power.
  19. Hello. I am from Croatia and I found on http://www.njuskalo.hr/casopisi-magazini/nintendo-magazine-casopis-igrace-konzole-oglas-1393674 that some guy is seling 8 near mint Nintendo Magazine for only 9,5 USD (50 croatian kuna) (6,78 euro) (5,88 GBP). Is it good deal and is this magazine good?
  20. Thanks but I have download that issue last month. Its strange that you can find a lot of SNES, N64, Saturn and other game magazines for download on internet but this UK PSM is hard to find :( or should i say its impossible :( I only find this about UK PSM http://officialukplaystationmagazine.blogspot.com/ http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2006/05/column_game_mag_weaseling_maga.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Official_Magazine
  21. Hello. Does somebody know where can i find issues of UK PSM in cbr or pdf? I have found a lot magazines and complete magazines scans on your and some other web sites but i cant nowhere find UK PSM :( Can somebody help me?
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