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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Thor

    Laptop Shopping

    As specs go I'm way out of the loop on PCs now because honestly I've just decided not to care anymore. Ever since I bought my first laptop (I'm on my 2nd) I've not wanted to go back to a desktop. I do video editing and image manipulation but I don't really play games at all unless you count MAME. I think a laptop is really the way to go. My current laptop was about $1000 and it really gets the job done I just want to add some more RAM to it though to make my larger image files easier to draw because once I start getting quite a few layers things slow down on me.
  2. Yeah I've got a 1st and 2nd printing of HeroesQuest but only 1 expansion... can't remember which it is but it had a red cover. My Advanced HeroesQuest I don't have any expansions for and Decent I also don't have any of the expansions. Man I wish I lived near you so we could get a quest going Oh and I also had another MB game I think it was called Battle Masters that was more of a Warhammer type game. [edit] Yup here it is
  3. The problem is the computer is sorting the files properly. I have my Pokemon movies on my computer so I do this to keep them in order as well: 01 Pokemon The Movie 01a Pokemon Mew Two Strikes Back 02 Pokemon 2000 In the case of ROMs like your example if you put a numeral indication for the 1st game in a series it will sort it properly like this: Actraiser 1 Actraiser 2 Adams Family It looks dumb but what a computer does is it will always put numerical before alpha.
  4. Yeah might not hurt to keep an extra battery around.
  5. Back when PC games were something different as opposed to console gaming. I don't think PC gaming will ever be better than the early to mid 90's
  6. No this was the game that memories were made of I used to play this game all the time. I've got 2 sets of it now as with Advanced Heroquest and a newer game that is very similar called Descent.
  7. Thor

    Sonic CD

    This is the Model 1 Sega CD It was not very sturdy, prone to damage if knocked about. This is the one I'm looking for but usually they have issues. I've got model 2 And this is the CDX that my brother just got These have issues too.
  8. Thor

    Sonic CD

    Ah you must have Generation one Sega CD. I so want to get one of those again. I have model 2 and my bro just bought a CDX.
  9. Yup when I did it it was chicken breast and rice and lots of veggies.
  10. Wow that was a great video. The beginning of the music was horrid but I think it really added to the whole video.
  11. Yeah true but besides that I thought the video was put together very well. [edit] oh yeah and I wish it were longer too. I would love to go to Japan so watching videos is really the only way I can do that
  12. This video just 1-UPed my hype for the 3DS. Oh yeah and they Output the 3DS to a HDTV.
  13. Here is a picture I took and edited last year of my TG16. It's for a book I was working on and never did finish, though I'm still slowly working on it. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Anyway... Games HuCard - Keith Courage, Neutopia, Ninja Spirit, Street Fighter II CE, Dragon's Curse CD - Valis III, Shadow of the Beast, Fighting Street
  14. No what I'm talking about is a DS game that can utilize the Circle Pad when they are played on a 3DS. I don't know if that is even possible but it would be great if it can happen.
  15. Definitely! My assumption would be the only games that require the Circle Pad would be 3DS games. No DS games should use it at all... then again it should be a simple thing to program a game that allows the use of it. Hmmm... I see where you are going with that. I'm sure most games that will utilize it will be 3DS games and not DS games though. It would be nice to play Mario DS on the 3DS if it allows the use of that pad rather than using the touch screen as an analog controller or playing a 3D game with that honky D Pad.
  16. Did I say cheat? What I meant was just pressing start on controller 2. I mean that's no big deal right? What could that possibly do?
  17. Thor

    Jam vs Jelly

    It depends, if it's strawberry I'd rather have jam. If it's jelly I need grape. There is nothing better than a BP&J with grape jelly.
  18. Yeah I've been loving the XL so I know where your coming from.
  19. I've been saving for a while for it. Whenever a new system comes out I always prepare.
  20. Yup an awesome game! Hard as heck though, unless you cheat.
  21. I've got mine reserved and paid off. As with DOA and SSF4. Next paycheck I'll reserve another game. I'm so excited about this, but I'm not completely happy with the launch line up. I've not been this excited about a handheld since GBA.
  22. This is too funny. It's kind of like that Charlie Chaplin movie that had someone talking on a cell phone.
  23. You can easily loose 50lbs in about 3 months with little exercise equipment. All you need at the most is dumbbells or any kind of resistant band. I lost 50lbs doing the Power 90 program and it really works. I bought the program myself but there are other ways to see the exercise videos these days. And that whole self-promotion thing... actually that helps. When you have others that praise you for what you are doing it helps you keep going (even if it's just people online).
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