I couldn't agree more with what you just said, no matter how hard I would try.
My previous post was just a sarcastic dig at all the message board posters around the hundreds or even thousands of gaming boards which proclaim that Wii Music is basically the devil and how it stands for everything that's bad with the game industry today.
Killing of "hardcore games" and replacing them with "My hungry Horsez" sequels.
They had the same reaction to Wii Fit and see how that has turned out. Sells millions of copies and were still getting games like Sin & Punishment 2, Megaman 9, Dragon Quest 9, Punch-Out, etc.
Although I wouldn't call those games hardcore, I just call them games.
The video that showed me how much fun the game could be, and I'm using that term very loosely cause it's more of a toy than an actual game, is the following.
Made by sp0rks over at neogaf (who's a great guy btw), to explain a bit better to all the haters why he loves the game.