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Everything posted by meppi

  1. meppi

    The Mags I Have

    I'd vote for more GameFan's myself, and looking at the amount of downloads they seem to be very popular as well.
  2. Mine is still king of the drawer, it's been in there for so long I can't remember. Only playing it once in a blue moon for WipEout. How I wish both games would get released on the PS2. :(
  3. You really shouldn't be, as a team member (or premium member) you're still able to use the on site downloads.
  4. Days, weeks and months of surfing the web, reading up on lots of stuff and coming across even more really dumb sh... When I find something that makes me laugh, I save it for future use. And sometimes I even make a gif or 2 myself.
  5. Great story. But wouldn't the grandaddy of game magazines be CVG?
  6. Yeah, yeah, no one cares. Well I don't care that no one cares. I'm a Cyborg but that's OK. Just done watching this movie as it came out over here a week or so ago. I can't believe how much hate this film gets. Must be the expectation of people who only wanted to see another movie like the Vengeance trilogy by the same director.. :-/ I'm normally not for these romantic comedy kind of films, but after falling in love with Chungking Express a couple of months ago when I ordered a copy on import, (it was actually also just released over here in a 4 DVD Wong Kar Wai set just now, which I also bought) I'm much more open to give these kinds of movies a try. Also ordered My Sassy Girl, but they sent me the US remake, so a new original copy should be on it's way as we speak. I'm a Cyborg, but thats OK does take it's time to get going on it's first viewing though. It's quite slow for the first half hour or so, but after that you get sucked into the story and it's just a crazy butt, but sweet ride on the coocoo express. Very touching film in it's own kind of way. Don't think we'll ever see one quite like this ever again, but that's OK. Anyway, if you're still on the fence about this one and have been scared off by the hate it gets, don't be. Yes it's special and I can understand that not everyone will like it, but knowing what I know now I would be sorry if I had missed out on this one. An absolute wonderful review which hits every spot of the movie perfectly can be found here: http://www.mandiapple.com/snowblood/imacyborg.htm
  7. I'm not really much of a fan of porting games to various systems. Back in the day a certain game would be released on both the SNES and MegaDrive, but they would be totally different. Sparkster, Castlevania, Contra, Ghouls N Ghosts, Turtles, etc. I prefer that approach. But I do understand that with the current costs of developing a game that sometimes just isn't feasible. The one thing I would love to see ported though is WipEout to the Wii. That's the one game that has always made me buy Sony hardware, well besides the PS2, in which case it was Virtua Fighter 2 that sold me since WipEout Fusion is my least favorite in the franchise.
  8. Oh, I forgot to mention that Rapidhare has updated their maximum file sizes to 200MB instead of 100. SO the only files that need to be split will be the largest EGMs and such.
  9. Not only that, but it might also be very tempting for people who have access to download from rapidshare using the account, even if it's once in a while. Or simply don't think about clicking a rapidshare link as the cookies of the login stay in your server, so you automatically download through the account. Rapidshare has a policy that of they see several people use the account, they can shut it down. Thus all the links would be in jeopardy as well, even without any bad intentions.
  10. Not a bad idea with the resent happenings. Although I have to say that the Rapidshare point thing doesn't help that much though. On my account which I've been using for nearly a year now to upload mags, I have in that time only earned enough points to extend the account with 1 measly month. When you know that a 6 month account costs €30, then you know I only got a €5 bonus for that. Not to mention how much it weighs upon a monthly ISP limit where every Gig you download or upload over your monthly limit costs 1€ per month. To get a bit perspective, my ISP limit resets on monday and I have already had to buy 20Gig extra this month. :-/ That's a big reason why I'm no good for seeding torrents as well.
  11. Good point. I thought about that as well, but didn't want to post it as it might give people ideas. And yes I'm aware that quoting it again won't help either.
  12. You scared the cra... out of me there. Thinking I had misspelled the same page for the 4th time. But that one was actually on purpose, meaning to look like a sentence that was interrupted, therefor the ...
  13. these have been replace, see below Made a couple of adjustments to the pages, so for everyone who likes to use the latest version: Thank you pages: 1280 1440 1600 Missing pages: 1280 1440 1600
  14. Yeah, it went from just about 100MB to almost 160MB. But I feel it's definitely worth it. I experimented with saving them at 100% instead of 90, but I could barely notice a difference in clarity and the size exploded to 2-3 times the original ones. So I took the best of both worlds into consideration and this is the result. The only thing I regret is that no matter how I try, these rescans will always eat up time that could have otherwise be spent doing unscanned mags. But when I see that the digital version now looks just as vibrant and detailed as the original copy, I can't say I'm sorry I'm taking this road.
  15. Thanks everyone, I will do my utmost best make sure I deserve the trust that's been put in me.
  16. MAXIMUM 001 - 1995 (UK) Wiki page here. Download page here. Rapidshare link This is the first in a series of re-scans I'm doing for all the Maximum magazines. Besides the pages being 1440 wide now instead of 1280, they also have been color corrected. These are brand new scans of the issues, so not just cleaned up ones from last time. The magazines have been debinded to up the quality of the scans even more. These are the definite editions of the Maximum magazines, so for everyone who loves them as much as I do it's a must to download.
  17. The problem isn't that we don't want to let everyone download the magazines off the server directly, but that we can't. If it were up to me, and I'm certain Philly feels the same way about this, I would open up the download section to everybody, and I do mean everybody. But just as most of you have a monthly bandwidth limit, so does the server sadly enough. So it's just not feasible for us to open them up completely. Even with the donations we're taking, Philly has had several instances where he had to pay the server bill himself. That's why the system you see currently was in place until yesterday. But like most things, some people will always try and look for a way to cheat the system and take more then someone else. Which is exactly what's been happening, and as of late it's really getting out of hand. If it clearly states that you get x amount of downloads, you just don't go around creating 10 accounts so you can leech 10 times as much as regular members are able to download. Such a mentality screws it up for everyone. In the short term this might seem like a small nuisance but if enough people do it that way, we would end up losing out hosting server and where would that leave all of us? So don't think we are out to piss people off, or shut people out until we get compensation from them. The only reason this happened is because we want retromags to be around for many years to come, instead of just a couple more months. I will do my best to upload as much mags to rapidshare as I can, but I'm already over my own limit this month, so you will have to have a bit of patience until the weekend when I can start uploading again. I know the rapidshare thing isn't ideal, but as far as "free" hosts go, for the end user anyway, it's a system that will ensure that anyone is able to download what he or she wants. As long as they have a bit of patience to wait for the time limit to run out again. (reading the magazine you just downloaded will seem the time pass faster btw )
  18. It will not only seem this way, it will actually be a fact I'm afraid. That goes against the principle of all the mags having to be available for free to everyone. There might be a time limit like you see on rapidshare without an account, but at least it's free that way. Once you step beyond that you can't say with a straight face that people aren't paying to download magazines, we would then be profiteering from the original editors and writers hard work, which is something I can't take peace with. They are still the people who come first and we have no right to claim any compensation for what we do, since we are basically copying their work. Sure it's for a good cause, but once we start charging a mandatory amount, we should just change the "thank you" to a "screw it, we want money" page.
  19. Indeed. I've been doing the pages for my rescan of OSSM001 and been trying out various pages for Mean Machines, Super Play and Maximum. Takes between 5-10 second over here. Only had a couple of instances where the white outline around a picture didn't align perfectly, but that was easily corrected by hand. When you look at the layers and you hide one of them, you can see where exactly CS3 cuts from one part to the other. Sometimes it's exactly like I was doing by hand, and at others it goes straight through an image, but you can't see anything wrong with it even if you know where the line is. Love it! Thanks for the tip. Well I wouldn't call it a tip, it's more like a gift from heaven.
  20. Sign... It's sad to see a couple of bad apples ruin the fun for everyone else. Isn't that how it always goes.
  21. Hehe, I remember testing out all my different Mega Drive cartridges at the time to see what levels they would trigger.
  22. Why what? *edit* Looks at tag.....I see...
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