Hey guys, I was just checking out your site, and attempting to check out some old issues of Game Players [i'm a Saturn fan and was intrigued by the Issue 53 June 1995 Saturn cover, although I also have fond memories of GamePlayers, having bought some issues back in the day, on import]...but would you believe it, my internet died!
So I take my laptop to a local hotel, and start using their wifi...
XD...only to find, now I've got the internet working, MegaUpload is down, >_<...
So, I've watched this whole nasty episode play out, =/, ...
...and it sucks I've only really discovered this community now, during these unfortunate circumstances.
That said, I used to be friends with the folks over at Spong.com - and for donkeys they've claimed to be a gaming museum, so I just popped on their forums and told 'em your hosting was down, and asked if Spong still saw themselves as a games museum and if so, should I suggest the Retromags.com lot approach them?
Well, here's Tim's reply: