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  1. Cool site BTW, Spoonman Did you get your issue #256 in the mail from a subscription or from a newsstand? Beacuse I haven't gotten anything yet from my subscription.
  2. Its like you said EGM wouldn't gain much by switching to a totally digital mag. Organizing a team to work on digital preservation sounds great but "hiring them" might seem counterproductive to them. They would profit more on newsstands because of the eventual copies that would spread like wildfire on the web. So I guess it up to us fans to do all the work but that's why this site is up to begin with. Incidentally I am in the process of starting scans from 2012 and all other future issues. I have decided not to host these files until a year past the publication date. And since the issues would never be available on newsstands anyway I thought I would preserve them as well as make them available to others online. I don't think it will affect EGM's back issue sales either since anyone who purchases them are looking to preserve the printed magazine.
  3. I can confirm that EGM is not dead. I just contacted an EGM rep today and she confirmed that my Sep./Oct. issue would be sent out. I have also contacted Marc Camron who handles all of EGM's back issues. And he told me that all of the 2012 issues are still available; for those of you who were interested in buying them.
  4. Hi, I am willing to scan any EGM issues members are willing to send me; I will make high quality scan from them. I will also spend extra time to edit them if need be using Photoshop to clean up any sign of wear and tear. I've also been looking on eBay as well for any EGM mags. I did see this auction recently: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ELECTRONIC-GAMING-MONTHLY-1995-Complete-12-VIDEO-GAME-Magazines-Free-Shipping-/300758680428?pt=Magazines&hash=item46069d436c#ht_5101wt_1186 I would buy this but I am broke atm. If any members have issue they never had time to scan I am more than willing to take the time to scan and submit them to Retromags.
  5. I have been looking for an EGM issue from 2010 during the time that the were relaunching from the first run. I found an 02/2010 issue that has Arkham Asylum on the cover. But I am confused about the timeline. The covers section shows the last issue from the first run; which has Street Fighter IV on the cover and after that there were the spring and summer issues before they started going back to the monthly format. But where did the February 2010 issue come from if the first issue after the relaunch was the spring 2010 issue? If anyone has any clue please let me know.
  6. Hi, I was in the process of downloading all the external links for EGM but I couldn't find the TOP Score issue. Has anyone heard about a downloadable scan of this issue?
  7. It wasn't the best movie out at the time but come on its not like the game had a plot to begin with.
  8. Yeah, I personally like a lot of the early generation OST's ; mostly Square Composers.
  9. There's no such thing as overboard!
  10. I was looking to start an EGM collection
  11. Hello, can't wait to get into the archives!
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