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Everything posted by ZeroFlame16
RT @blumspew: My friends @SwimToonami have some serious awesome brewin' for you toonight! Take a nap now, cuz ya don't wanna miss this, bi…
RT @UdonCrew: UDON is proud to announce it will be releasing PERSONA 4 ARENA: OFFICIAL DESIGN WORKS this summer! http://t.co/13ubgUpTuP
RT @KodanshaUSA: This just in from the printer! Air Gear Omnibus 1! This is the first book I (the intern~) got to put together! ^o^ http://…
RT @Jay6385: RT @YahooMovies: No way! Way! #WayneWorld cast reunites more than 20 years later: http://t.co/IiklJRpjbt http://t.co/oBvRQ2aV3M
RT @MAURICELAMARCHE: They Canceled Us! They Can UN-Cancel Us!! Sign this if you want more... Episodes Of INTEREST!! http://t.co/YSSDjOJSpD
RT @UkiyaSeed: Here's the official music video of "Jouchaku ~ We are Brothers~" performed by Music Hero All Stars Z. http://t.co/qplgV34gIv
RT @Protodude: According to the latest UDON Entertainment mailing, R25 will be retitled "MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete …
RT @amellywood: We kick off a 4 episode - NO BREAK - descent into madness tonight on #Arrow --
RT @kylehebert: Just got the blessing to announce I will be returning as Gohan for the Buu Saga of Dragonball Z Kai. No release or broadca…
RT @ToonamiFaith15: OK Teen Titans GO! wasn't bad that I or everyone else thought it would be,Gotta admit it.
RT @ChaseTSG: Hey those who are in my little community, heres our new hangout spot - http://t.co/512vAVMnPI Get comfy =)
RT @iTweetDBZ: Everybody please stop asking about an English sub/dub of Battle of Gods, all the DBZ accounts are looking everyday and we’ll…
RT @DisneyPictures: Hayao Miyazaki’s, My Neighbor Totoro, & Howl’s Moving Castle, come to Blu-ray for the first time on 5/21! Pre-order…
RT @levarburton: 1st WH#vine ever #bydhttmwfi MT @whitehouse: Bill Nye @TheScienceGuy & @LevarBurton welcome U 2 the #WHScienceFair! ht…
RT @ToonamiFaith15: Somehow I Still Feel Like CN Robbed Naruto Shippuden On Airing On #Toonami,Hopefully One Day That Mistake CN & Snyd…
RT @blumspew: Hey faithful, round of applause for @Clarknova1, @stupidgill, and the entire Adult Swim team for bringin' back #Toonami! Nice…