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Everything posted by ZeroFlame16

  1. #FreeCodeFriday My Ninja Skill: Stealth. The Ultimate Ninja Skill

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  2. Congrats on the Marriage Phillyman!
  3. I almost thought Rory and Amy were done for good. They must never scare me like that again. #DoctorWho

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  4. Oh @nerdist I never get tired of the hostful podcasts

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  5. It is a good day if Jersey Shore finally get cancelled YESSSS!!!! #AOTS

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  6. I own an Xbox 360 (120GB Resident Evil 5 Edition), Wii (Got it on Launch Day), PS3 (160GB Slim, Nintendo DS (Original Version/Blue Color *Cant Remember the full name color*), and a Nintendo 3DS(Red/Black Color)
  7. Well you may recall the recent events of Nintendo Power so yeah that is how I found this website. Someone on twitter posted a link to this site and was glad to find it. Hope more NP issues get added to the site.
  8. The N64 was the first console that was my own and I still have it.
  9. My first issue of Nintendo Power was Issue 127 and had an on and off subscription (Still got the magazines at the store when I didnt have a subscription) up until about two years ago I believe. It is sad to see a magazine that has been around for 24 years just shut down after being around for so long. RIP Nintendo Power 1988-2012.
  10. The following systems I own/still have: -Nintendo 64 -Nintendo Gamecube -Nintendo DS (Original Version) -Nintendo Wii -Nintendo 3DS -Sony Playstation 2 -Sony Playstation 3 -Xbox 360
  11. Its glad to see Nintendo Power trending, but it is also sad to see it end. RIP Nintendo Power

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  12. Hope you guys consider this retro but last weekend i picked up: Advance Wars (GBA) Advacnce Wars 2 (GBA) - Both of those were CIB for $10 apiece. It felt awesome to get them CIB for that price. Geist (Gamecube) Final Fantasy X-2 (Playstation 2)
  13. Last weekend I picked up: -Pokemon Conquest (DS) -Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2(DS) -Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2(DS) - Crysis 2(X360) -Jak Collection (PS3)
  14. This is really sad to see as it was a part of my childhood. RIP Nintendo Power. You will be missed.
  15. #Toonami Where you can get a double dose of Johnny Yong Bosch each week with #bleach and #Eureka7

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