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miketheratguy last won the day on February 23 2023

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About miketheratguy

  • Birthday 09/23/1978

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    Games, movies, writing, drawing. Cats 'n rats.
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    Xbox 360
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    Nintendo Entertainment System

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    Morrowind, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, Maniac Mansion, Ultima IV, Ultima VI, Mortal Kombat II, Gemfire, SimCity, The Sims 1-3, Far Cry 3, Earthbound, Shadowrun (SNES), Minecraft, Mount and Blade: Warband, Grand Theft Auto V

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  1. How interesting, I didn't know that there was a MKT version of this guide (or, at least, that it was by the same people). That's pretty cool. I loved this book but found it so odd that they included a "glossary" of alleged MK slang terms that no one ever used in any situation at any time ever, anywhere. Seemingly random stuff like (I'm paraphrasing here) "Low Checkin. As in 'dang dude, you keep on countering my gnarly moves! You're a LOW CHECKIN' sensei man!"
  2. I should have known once I downloaded one of these mags just to read the articles and happened to unavoidably notice that all the nudie bits were censored with a sweaty troll emoji. XD
  3. Wait, this was just up a few weeks ago wasn't it? I'm confused. Did something about it change?
  4. Man, back in the 80s you couldn't get AWAY from cigarettes. I remember that my family's favorite restaurant used to have a cigarette vending machine right next to the door. She'd often hand me change and ask if I'd go grab her favorites. A six or seven year old kid getting cigarettes out of a vending machine. Which my mom would proceed to smoke. In a restaurant. Then we'd go home and they'd watch the local news on their 20-inch 13-channel rotary dial UHF television. Times have changed.
  5. Talent? None of the Resident Evil actors will be in there then, never mind.
  6. This is the 1996 video game yellow pages? I'm not seeing Inezh's phone number anywhere...
  7. I would go so far as to say that the only reason why this happened is because Secret of Evermore was a festering bowl of dog shit. "Final Fantasy (VI) was just a warm-up". Oh boy.
  8. A "Protip spectacular" about a wrestling game that contained no special maneuvers thus rendering each of its characters functionally identical.
  9. Nah, screw those people! The true pizza party was the copy of Chrono Trigger that I got from that store.
  10. The Ottowa 67's is my favorite video game magazine!
  11. The pure experience is always the best one but I LOVE the idea of a game having more or less infinite replay value due to the rearranging of various features. Every time there's a new release of FFIV I play through it so these randomizers really have my interest.
  12. Well I got my then-girlfriend a copy of Monopoly (she actually wanted it) so I guess that was one point in my favor but if there was a pizza party I never got to enjoy it because I quit the job over anxiety of the upsell pressure, lol.
  13. Every now and then I also learn something new about the game, which I still go back and mess with every couple of years. I recently learned that there are some free randomizers out there that completely shuffle all kinds of things about the game, from character skills to gear and item stats to even dungeon layouts (to an extent), all individually selectable by the player. I've been wanting to dive into such a thing but to be honest I almost think that I'm intimidated, lol.
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