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te72 last won the day on June 30 2017

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    Friends, family, cars, gaming, the usual =)
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    Playstation 3
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    Lately, been playing a game called, "Restore a 48 Chevy and finish the Supra already!" =P
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    Obvious games aside, Tomba, Suikoden, Legacy of Kain, Primal Rage, Tail of the Sun, Puzzle Fighter

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  1. I too backed at the $75 tier, looking forward to how it turns out. Absolutely no need for further recognition on my end though, just happy to be part of the celebration of EGM. That said, there's no way this thing is gonna be as big as those issues from 1994... I still have a few of them. Mostly use them to keep my house from floating away. =P
  2. Given how often music licenses have created headaches for game distribution, I wouldn't get your hopes up for any classic rhythm games coming back with their original songs, but it would be fun.
  3. Sure thing! It came with a bundle when I bought my PS5, and my brother highly recommended it. Definitely scratched a lot of itches, it's well worth playing.
  4. I started up a solo run of BOTW earlier this year, with a twist. Not using a guide, trying to find all the shrines and as many koroks as I can, naturally. Seems to fit the spirit of the game. Now, the twist is, for every one I find, I do a workout set. I started small, and as things get easier, I push the weights or number of reps up. I've focused on pull ups, push ups, leg lifts, curls, squats, and presses. Basically, just as a way to alleviate couch guilt while enjoying my hobby. It's working out great! Currently I'm up to 40 lbs on the weights, gonna try for 50 soon. Pull ups I do sets of 20. Getting into great shape, and I'm up to 109 shrines, and something like... 440 koroks in about4 or 5 months that I have been playing in my spare time.
  5. Have you played Ghost of Tsushima? I may have likened it once or twice to a modern Tenchu. Great game!
  6. Loved Crash when it came out. Still holds up fairly well, I recall the controls being very tight. I started Valkyria Chronicles 4, and while it's a great game, I only got about halfway through it so far. Have a playthrough of BOTW solo lined up after that, and Cyanide & Happiness Freakpocalypse as well. Oh and Crisis Core at some point too...
  7. Just started Valkyria Chronicles 4 a few days ago. Have been playing it while riding the exercise bike so I don't spend all winter on the couch.
  8. If after the current backlog is scanned for PSM, and there happen to be holes in the collection, feel free to reach out via PM on here. I have a complete collection, PSM 1-130, as well as PTOM 1-65, if my memory serves me correctly. I subscribed from issue 8 all the way until the end of the line of PTOM. My only requests would be that they're non destructively scanned, and returned when finished. It's the one magazine collection that means something to me. Funny enough, after a few months of PTOM, I was so bummed out over the change in direction that the magazine had taken, that I donated my entire collection to the local library. Not sure what happened to them, possible someone on here may have ended up with some of them haha. The sense of humor that started in the Game Players era was just gone, fun was sterilized from the magazine after the switch to PTOM. It got better once that editor in chief moved on, but still... a dark time for us PSM loyal.
  9. Probably not the right thread to post in here, but happily seeding the Retromags Collection 2005-2020 torrent 24/7 on my end.
  10. I always wanted to play it (I mean, it's Square from their golden era...) but never put in the effort to track it down. Having seem some of Triangle Strategy, I suspect they'll do right by the remaster. Glad to share the news!
  11. Yes it certainly was. Have you seen that we are finally getting an official release of Live A Live?
  12. Amazing to me that even nearly 30 years later, that game is still drawing people in the way it does. Truly timeless.
  13. I recall enjoying Splinter Cell from a technical perspective, the gameplay was good. I was always more a fan of the MGS series though. Shame they're both seemingly dead at this point. Weird as this will sound, I think the best "stealth" game I've seen in the last few years is probably RE7. Talk about getting discovered being a bad thing! I also really appreciated the ability to utilize stealth in Breath of the Wild.
  14. @spaceghost How's it play without the motion controls, is it to your liking? When I played Breath of the Wild, had to turn off the motion controls, that was really annoying.
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