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AlidarJarok last won the day on January 1 2017

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  1. I also got the Sega Genesis Mini 2. So far I love it Getting Shining Force 2 and CD was worth it.
  2. Back in June I got an Xbox Series X. I feel very lucky. Not seen any since nor have I seen any PS5.
  3. Man I would love a new F-Zero, but its been 16 years since the last one. I don't think Nintendo will ever make a new one at this point.
  4. Very nice. Thanks for adding this.
  5. I know I sure do. The one games I think I used to own but don't really remember is Jurassic Park Rampage Edition. I swear that I did but when I see let's plays of I am really not sure. A few things look familiar, but nothing really jogs my memory.
  6. To read old mags that I had missed and to read the ones that I own that are starting to come apart.
  7. Very nice man. I just finished for the first time, Super Mario Land. Not a bad little game.
  8. This past winter sale on steam I picked up the doom pack. Never played the original doom till now. I feel like I missed out on so much. lol
  9. I know this might sound like an odd game to bring back. But I wish Koei would make a new Aerobiz game. I still play Supersonic to this day.
  10. Same here, I love Super Mario World to this day. I know Final Fight for the SNES gets a lot of hate now days. But at the time it was the next best thing to the arcade.
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