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Everything posted by RetroDefense

  1. Was gonna make a Sonic cycle joke but I'm staying positive for this one. Looks mighty impressive - definitely gives me the nostalgic feels.
  2. RetroDefense

    Batman (1991)

    Nice! Loving these double-page ads.
  3. I'm usually fine with what I've got. The exception would be when an alternative cover reflects some extra internal content like a subscription bonus or whatever. Or even altered content - Next Generation and some of their disc editions, for example. Then I might try and track an alternative down. Usually I'm only interested in the trivia and circumstances surrounding an alt cover though. Like comic collecting, I I imagine collecting alternative magazine covers could be difficult depending on what you actually consider to be an alternative cover. Like later Nintendo Power newsstand issues versus subscriber issues where the artwork is often cropped and/or resized. Or some of Game Informer's subscriber covers that lack any sales copy. Or even digital releases versus physical releases. Or digital releases that've retroactively released alternative covers. Could get kind of crazy.
  4. I was expecting to see a bunch of kids in a space station - or maybe a house taking off like a rocket - but this'll do. Love the throwback at the end. I don't think Nintendo really has to do much in the way of marketing though. Word of mouth for this thing is extraordinary. I have casual-gaming friends and family talking about it - last time this happened, the Wii was around the corner. And it apparently isn't just my circle. The CUPodcast made similar comments recently - this thing looks to be appealing to the mainstream in a big way. I'd like to see Nintendo invest less in marketing and more on ramping up production - the last thing anyone wants is to feed the Ebay scalpers. If it's successful I bet we'll see more. Not only other systems (SNES, maybe N64) but probably more NES iterations. Release one annually and Nintendo would make bank each holiday season. The NES library is strong enough for a few more if Nintendo can score more third party titles and maybe even renew some licensing deals. Capcom's Disney games, Konami's TMNT games, etc. Everyone deserves an opportunity to play Sunsoft's NES Batman with save points. Maybe even shake hands with Microsoft and get some Rare games in there. They clearly look to be hoping for accessory sales - that's a fairly strong line-up of 2-player games this go round so those controllers are gonna sell. Especially at ten bucks a pop. Next time, maybe we'll see some light gun games modded for HDTVs - like the recent Duck Hunt release - along with a new Zapper light gun with the innards of a stripped down Wii-mote.
  5. Found this while researching GameShark Magazine: Warning: may destroy your childhood. (Also, probably not for the easily offended.) http://www.ign.com/articles/2010/09/03/the-lost-pages-of-ign-the-magazine
  6. This special issue of Nintendo Power may have also been given to some subscribers as a subscription bonus. The subscription(?) "supplement" cover varies slightly from the retail release. - RetroDefense
  7. Originally distributed to The Wizard showgoers by participating theaters.
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