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Everything posted by RetroDefense

  1. I use boxes specifically designed for magazine storage - those Areala mentioned. And the majority of my collection is bagged and boarded - especially anything saddle-stitched and/or in fragile condition. I don't tape ripped pages or attempt to rebind anything as it usually creates more trouble over time. If anything, I'll note the damage in my collection doc and also with the bagged issue itself. A tip when it comes to magazine bags. You'll find some sold with their own adhesive strips. No tape is necessary - just fold over the flap, adhere to the strip, and you're done. Sounds great, but the bag designers never read EGM during its heyday, apparently. Magazine issues with high page counts won't allow the closing flap to properly reach the adhesive strip. So standard bags (and some Scotch Magic tape) is the better way to go. Or - at the very least - you may want to stock a combination of both types of bags. As for oversized magazines (Game Informer, Official Dreamcast Magazine, etc), I'm not sure if boxes/boards/bags are designed for this size. I'm still looking for a good storage solution for these myself - I'll have to give Phillyman's banker box suggestion a try. And I definitely second Areala's suggestion to store your collection in a water-safe area! A faulty water heater nearly cost me my collection years ago. You'd be surprised how light those boxes can be when you're energized by a slowly encroaching pool of water.
  2. Trash? Treasure? Why not both! I can appreciate the history, but man, those prices are nuts.
  3. Yep, I'm psyched. Finding it tough to distance James Spader's voicework from his excellent role on The Blacklist, though. I keep envisioning Ultron with a fedora.
  4. I'm still waiting for Crystal Pepsi to make a comeback. I can't be the only sugar-water fan who liked that stuff, can I?
  5. I use a doc file. I'd love to see RetroMags implement a collection-tracking solution. I think it'd be a great feature for the site and would probably attract more mag collectors who may be willing to help with the preservation project!
  6. I like the idea of using the page count as a way to calculate a total - to know how much content has been archived here at RetroMags. I also like the idea of using the CBR/CBZ scan total - that'd be so much easier in the long run. Yeah, there will always be some +/- thanks to subscription cards, posters, missing covers, missing pages, gatefold covers, etc, but it'd be close. And it'd avoid all of the inconsistencies introduced with a magazine publisher's own self-determination of what is and isn't a proper page. At the very least, it'd accurately reflect the combined effort all of RetroMags' hard-working scanners have been putting in. For magazines not already scanned, those page counts can be ignored easily enough when calculating RetroMags' scan total.
  7. I really like this idea! Yeah, I've noticed most magazine entry comments are scan requests. Having a more efficient way to see what's in demand should help the site better sync with what visitors are looking for. This feature definitely has my vote.
  8. Congrats, TheRon! Game Informer indexing is in good hands here at RetroMags. Speaking of, I've been appreciating Game Informer's cover choices more and more lately. This trend towards artwork-over-copy really allows those covers to pop.
  9. Thanks for scanning these, Phillyman! I really dig the old-school stuff, especially considering they're becoming more and more difficult to find. Great to see 'em preserved for the future.
  10. Just received ColecoVision Experience #1 and Video Games #18 in the mail today. Love golden age mags - thanks Phillyman! And I just realized I didn't post a couple other wins. GameFan Vol. 8 #12 (final issue!) and the Nov/Dec '92 issue of Game Informer. Thanks again!
  11. Congrats, TheRon, and thanks for indexing all those Game Informer issues!
  12. Yeah, it's still way early - NOA has yet to even announce this for a NA release, after all - but this looks to be a marketing nightmare if they follow Japan's lead. Super 3DS, 3DS II - anything but New 3DS. The name just doesn't sell this as being a new system with backwards compatibility. Instead, it sounds like another iteration of today's 3DS. It's sure to cause confusion and frustration if the name is carried over stateside. You already see this with gamer commentary 'round the 'net. Instead of the usual excitement which comes with new hardware capable of playing an all-new grade of software, I've heard mostly frustration over having to buy a new 3DS for the new features and how current 3DS systems soon won't be able to play all 3DS games. It's as if Nintendo's current marketing message is ass-backwards. NES, then SNES. Game Boy, then Game Boy Color. These names better emphasized the improvements and changes. New 3DS sounds like a simple remodel.
  13. Finally got around to that Pocket Games info I promised. Discussion here: http://community.retromags.com/topic/9696-pocket-games-magazine/
  14. Hi all, In reply to Daggdroppen's request for GBA and NDS based magazines, I had mentioned Pocket Games and my plans to track down more info about the 'zine. Here's what I've found. Sadly, it isn't much. The mag is surprisingly undocumented - not even the Great Wiki of Pedias has much to say about this publication. Most of my info comes from a former writer's online portfolio, actually. So I'm posting what I've found and hope we'll eventually be able to fill in the blanks. Taking a cue from JohnSmith, here's a thumbnail gallery of what I've managed to piece together thus far. Data includes the following, as printed with each issue's cover UPC: Issue Number "Display Until" date stamp Seasonal stamp (if any) Legend: ? indicates unknown or questionable, () sourced but unconfirmed, [] assumed, --- none. Some notes: Issue #17 included a DVD disc with extra content. Issue #20 is the last issue I've been able to track down - it may not be the final issue. "The magazine started out as repurposed content from EGM, but transitioned into mostly original content after the third issue." - Frank Provo Sources: Frank Provo's online portfolio (former writer for Pocket Games). Great resource, with lots of scanned excerpts: http://www.frankprovo.com/ZiffDavisMedia/PG/ Detailed overview of the first(?) issue of Pocket Games: http://www.rfgeneration.com/news/game-boy-color/Pocket-Games-1553.php If you'd like to see a scan of the DVD sleeve included with issue 17: http://www.museumofplay.org/online-collections/22/52/111.1310 Cover scans here at Retromags (Unsorted Covers Gallery): http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/1698-pocketgames20/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/1561-pg-2004sp/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/1656-pg-2004su/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/1544-pg-2004fa/
  15. While updating UK covers I found an oddball dbase entry for non-existent Sega Force Mega #235. Could an admin remove this please - thanks! http://www.retromags.com/magazines/category/uk/sega-force-mega/
  16. Videogaming Illustrated #10 (October 1983) - pages 14 and 15 are incorrect (they're actually from issue #5).
  17. The following can be scratched off the list: Nintendo Power Flash Issue 1 Summer 1998 Nintendo Power Flash Issue 6 Winter 1990 Electronic Game Player Issue 4 September/October 1988
  18. Cover scan extracted from preserved archive per missing cover image guidelines - I did not scan this cover.
  19. Cover scan extracted from preserved archive per missing cover image guidelines - I did not scan this cover.
  20. Cover scan extracted from preserved archive per missing cover image guidelines - I did not scan this cover.
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