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Everything posted by RetroDefense

  1. Another to check out is Pocket Games. It's a USA magazine which apparently began as an excuse to reprint EGM content but eventually switched over to (mostly) original material around issue 3. It ran at least 17 issues, with issues published two or three times a year. RetroMags currently doesn't have an entry for it, but I'll try to track down enough info for Phillyman and see if we can change that. Correction: at least 20 issues.
  2. Congrats, TheRon - I think you'll have the entire run of Game Informer indexed eventually!
  3. Covers updated! Also, I checked my collection and Official Sega Saturn Magazine ran monthly from November 1995 until November 1998. I noticed the dbase didn't have date stamps assigned to this title - I hope this helps.
  4. Thanks - covers have been updated! I found some additional hiccups when working on the Computer & Video Games UK magazine section. While trying to view some gallery pages, these won't open in any of my browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) - I think because of the hashtag found in each URL: http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/3210-computer-video-games-053/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/3196-computer-video-games-081/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/3195-computer-video-games-065/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/3194-computer-video-games-055/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/3193-computer-video-games-052/ http://community.retromags.com/gallery/image/3182-computer-video-games-186-may-1997/ Don't shoot the messenger.
  5. Have you checked out Planet Game Boy? Never read 'em myself, but they may be something you're interested in. http://www.retromags.com/magazines/category/uk/planet-game-boy/
  6. Working on the UK missing covers list this evening, I ran into a couple of hiccups with two magazines - Amiga Format and Amiga Force. If an admin could take a look? Amiga Format #78 (December 1995) doesn't have an entry in the dbase, although an Amiga Format issue with matching cover number/date exists. While cover typos do happen on rare occasion, I'm assuming a dbase entry is needed. The dbase lists 16 issues of Amiga Force. November '92, then Jan. '93 - Mar. '94. But here's a more accurate breakdown based on cover dates, starting with issue #1: Autumn/Winter 1992 Jan/Feb 1993 Mar 1993 Apr 1993 May 1993 Jun 1993 Jul 1993 Aug 1993 Sep 1993 Oct 1993 Nov 1993 Dec 1993 Christmas 1993 Jan 1994 Feb 1994 Mar 1994 Same number of issues, but if I simply match covers sequentially the cover dates will be out of sync. Is it possible to have these dates changed to match the magazine's schedule? I'll clean up my cover associations afterward. Thanks all!
  7. That's odd. I indexed both issues of Video Games Underground today but they didn't appear in the site-wide "Magazine Database" sidebar as other magazines do. Not a big deal - the indexes saved properly and everything - but a minor glitch in the system? Just fyi. My daughter really enjoys Tips & Tricks pencil puzzles, E-Day - thanks for posting those.
  8. Just a matter of time and resources. Most of my RetroMags time is spent composing indexes and scanning covers. I have an HP all-in-one which is adequate for cover scans but isn't exactly friendly for interior scans unless I'm willing to debind my magazines, which I can't bring myself to do. Most of my magazine collection was purchased back in their original day and holds lots of nostalgic value. Not that I won't ever get around to scanning issues, Electronic Games included. I do hope to pick up a decent, bind-friendly scanner at some point.
  9. Should be able to change the Cover Image ID in the magazine's entry, JohnSmith. If I recall, I was able to do this after setting up my RetroMags account so it should apply to newcomers. Then again, my account was created months before the new wiki features went live. If there's a wiki waiting period, that could complicate things. Whenever I would replace a cover, I would mention the edit in the Shoutbox so a mod could update the site further. Basically, I'd let everyone know ID #XXXX has been replaced with #XXXX. Might be better to post your edit here, though - more permanence than the Shoutbox.
  10. Nintendo Power Advance is another short-lived magazine series you may want to check out. No issues available to download here at RetroMags, unfortunately, but we do have issue content synopses.
  11. All hard copy. I must have missed the April '94 issue back in the day, for whatever reason. Didn't realize it 'till recently.
  12. BBTS has this available for pre-order, but still nothing much in the way of details.
  13. Thanks for archiving these, JohnSmith - nice to see more Electronic Games issues preserved! I hope you have the April 1994 issue in your scan queue - it's the one issue I'm missing. Cheers.
  14. Team Sega Newsletter #7! Thanks again, Phillyman!
  15. Yeah, Game Players is something of a cluster. Same said for their entire line of magazines, actually - you can find a discussion about their Nintendo Guides here. As for the numbering - RetroMags uses its own numbering system and can sometimes appear to be inconsistent with the internal numbering of some magazine series. GamePro and Tips & Tricks are also affected, I believe. Phillyman is working to display internal numbering alongside RetroMag numbering - hopefully the feature will go active soon, as the current system does lead to some confusion. He or E-Day could probably also explain this further, for that matter. Cheers.
  16. Question for the webmaster(s), I noticed I can browse "My Content" - including cover uploads, forum posts, etc. But is it possible to browse the magazine database entries I've contributed to? Or am I overlooking this somehow? Thanks!
  17. Hi JohnSmith, Welcome to RetroMags! I'm (relatively) new here myself, so I'm not sure if there's a formal process for scanners and their queues. (As an aside, maybe a formal work queue isn't such a bad idea? Scanners could list their queues to avoid scanning conflicts, unnecessary purchases, etc, in an easily referenced, centralized location.) Your best option may be to start a "Work in progress" thread and announce what you're planning to scan, then wait a while to see if anyone chimes in. Not that this helps much when making Ebay purchases. I would also recommend contacting some veteran scanners here (E-Day and Phillyman, for two) for their help in ensuring your scans meet RetroMags standards. The goal is to preserve these magazines as best as possible, so you can understand why there are certain guidelines to follow. I would highly recommend a "test run" of a few pages and have them reviewed by the senior staff before scanning a full magazine. Cheers.
  18. Realized I haven't been keeping up with what magazines I've received recently. Here's the backlog: Nintendo Power Vol. 46 PSM #20 Sega Visions June/July 1990 (Premiere issue, complete with card sheet!) Thanks, Phillyman!
  19. Thanks for all the download links, everyone.
  20. Curious if anyone has picked one of these up yet. I've watched various reviews and everyone seems to be on the fence - especially hardcore collectors, as it's not the "be all" system everyone apparently wanted it to be. At the same time, I know many of the issues mentioned in these early reviews have been addressed with OS updates. Very glad Hyperkin had the wherewithal to allow such upgrades.
  21. I don't say it often enough, but thank you for all of your scanning work, E-Day!
  22. Congratulations, Areala! That's absolutely fantastic - wishing you and yours the very best!
  23. Congrats, TheRon! That's two more wins - impressive!
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