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Everything posted by RetroDefense

  1. Added PCGames to the magazine dbase: https://www.retromags.com/magazines/category/usa/pcgames/ Each issue has been assigned a placeholder issue number. These are largely guesswork - erring on the side of caution - allowing sufficient gaps so sorting is easily workable if any new issues are discovered. These placeholders are "hidden" from public view although they will show in the Magazine Database sidebar whenever issue edits are made.
  2. Video Games & Computer Entertainment 36 (January 1992): broken cbr (jpg corresponding to page 176 - back cover - reads corrupt) Video Games & Computer Entertainment 50 (March 1993): 27.jpg - 30.jpg clipped (two content pages, two advertisements)
  3. Pepsi-Cola's caramel coloring has been flagged as a cancer agent in the state of California. To the point where the CA recipe actually varies from most of the rest of the country to avoid a warning label. So a lack of food coloring - that's a good first step. Now all we need is Crystal Pepsi Throwback.
  4. I think I read about an EGM higher-up's suggestion that if this site were to preserve magazines, they should be preserved to a certain level of quality? I'm not sure what that level of quality is but the idea of what constitutes a suitable scan is a matter of opinion, imo. And a big enough subject to justify its own discussion, really. Thanks for the edit work, Kiwi. I should've mentioned it in my post - it is a group effort, after all.
  5. Was curious as to the differences between the UK and US editions so skimmed issues 5 US and 12 UK. They're fairly substantial. While the layouts and sections are very similar - and many of the larger features are shared between editions - a good portion of the content is unique. News, previews, etc. Which makes sense considering the disparity in CDi popularity between countries. The UK edition included a cover disc - I assume the US edition did not. (Some other issues of the UK edition bundled discs as well.) Here's a cover comparison of 12 UK (thanks to archive.org) and 5 US (thanks to marktrade's recent scan):
  6. As far as I can tell, CDi Magazine began in the UK but eventually saw distribution in the states as well. But instead of picking up where the UK edition left off, the US edition rebooted the numbering with issue 1. The cover dates also vary, apparently. Not sure how long the US edition ran. Latest issue I've seen is #5 (May 1995). Which - judging by the cover - corresponds with UK edition #12 (June 1995). CDi Magazine (USA): 01: Sept/Oct 1994 02: Nov/Dec 1994 03: Feb 1995 04: March 1995 05: May 1995 I've created a gallery for the US edition and also added an entry to the US mag dbase.
  7. So PCGames begat Electronic Entertainment begat PC Entertainment begat PC Games? These generational 'zines can be a real pain sometimes. Not entirely sure how to go about this one. Looking over marktrade's scans, I couldn't find any issue numbers so it looks like we're going to have to rely on dates only. Which complicates matters as the publication schedule looks very sporadic and the RetroMags magazine dbase really likes issue numbers. One option is to let this thread cook for a while longer. Or we can add the current list of issues to the dbase and fudge the number details until we have a better idea of the full run. Myself, I vote for fudge. Listing what we know in the frontend may attract more attention and eventually more details. I've created a PCGames cover gallery but I expect there'll still be lots of crossover with it and the current PC Games gallery. The cover mastheads don't really reflect the spacing, after all. Hopefully we'll be able to firm up the issue list eventually. I did some digging myself but didn't have any luck - marktrade's list is already amazingly comprehensive considering the lack of info out there. Kudos to the OP.
  8. Added to the magazine dbase - thanks again, VG! https://www.retromags.com/magazines/category/usa/creative-computing-video-and-arcade-games/
  9. Nintendo has a new book on the way - Playing With Power: Nintendo NES Classics - to coincide with the NES mini release. 320 pages - kinda hefty. It's supposed to feature a showcase of Nintendo Power ads and excerpts. That's interesting. It's billed as " A Veritable Love Letter to Nintendo Fans!" Funny - I always thought that was a Nintendo C&D.
  10. Added issue entries to the magazine dbase - thanks for the info, VGBounceHouse! https://www.retromags.com/magazines/category/usa/ultimate-gamer/ Publications dbase entry: https://www.retromags.com/publications/category/united-states/ultimate-gamer Cover Gallery: https://community.retromags.com/gallery/category/165-ultimate-gamer/
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