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twiztor last won the day on December 9 2022

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About twiztor

  • Birthday 10/24/1982

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    all things Nintendo. UFC. music. gummy worms.
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    Wii U
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    Nintendo Entertainment System

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    NES Remix 1 & 2 Mario Kart 8
  • Video Games Favorites
    Legend of Zelda (original and Link to the Past) Bomberman Diablo 2

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  1. The Diablo games have always had this effect on me. I start playing when i get off work, and then all of a sudden the sun is coming up. It's only been 10 minutes........err i guess it's actually been 10 hours!
  2. for the time being, you are correct. CD-based nostalgia/collectibility (they are not the same thing, but in this context there's significant overlap) is not as high as cartridge-based, but it is on the rise. I expect in the next 4-5 years it will definitely start to become noticable. You can already see the beginnings of it with music CD collectors popping up more frequently than in years past. for the most part, yes. It is definitely something discussed by current game makers. The first goal is compatibility with original hardware, but the followup 100% includes clone consoles. i am also a retro gamer/collector. My NES (toploader), SNES, and Genesis/32X all stayed hooked up to my old CRT TV. The Atari 2600 isn't hooked up anymore (i unhooked it a couple years ago when i had to get said TV fixed). At this point, i'm not even sure that it works- it's been pretty touchy the last decade or so and it saw minimal use even before that. For those keeping score at home, my n64 stays hooked up, but it is on my flatscreen. It is the first system i bought with my own money, and it just feels wrong to think of it as "retro" for that reason, despite being DAMN NEAR 30 YEARS OLD.
  3. the OP hasn't been active on here since this post in early 2020 and hasn't logged in since 2021. He is based in Germany, so there is a non-zero chance that the forums he sold the Sega mags on was a German site. You can try PM'ing him. Some users get an email notification when they receive PMs. P.S. he was excellent to deal with and good about communication.
  4. i did end up playing the whole series last year. Was a good bit of fun. the VB game was awesome. either this one or WL3 were my favorites of the pack, with Wario Land: Shake It (Wii) being my least favorite. ANYWAY, i am working on Mega Man 9 right now from the Wii eShop. this game is pretty tough! i have 6 robot masters down, with 2 to go. Plus the Wily stages of course. I am also hoping to tackle MM10 this year. MM9 is only 16 years old, and i think games are generally considered retro after 20, but since it's a throwback game, i'm counting it anyway.
  5. i originally joined this site because i was wanting to DL all the Nintendo Power magazines. I had a bunch of them saved from when i was a kid, but there were gaps. I ended up selling off the lot of them at some point, so these digital copies became my only source of that info. I've since bought back way more than i ever had before, so i guess it's a moot point. But i love the convo here, and i'm glad that i've even contributed some of my own scans (can't remember if they were Nintendo Fun Club News issues or Nintendo Power Flash. Also check out both issues of Where's Waldo magazine!) to make this place just a bit more complete.
  6. i've been reading comic books on my Kindle Fire for probably 10 years now. It's amazing for that purpose. reading magazines on it is less ideal. The text is usually quite a bit smaller, so you end up needing to zoom in and scroll around each page. Worse yet is double page spreads.
  7. i'm hoping some day this gets finished and finds a release on an actual Genesis cartridge (even if it's unofficial). Wily Wars was a lot of fun, and 4-6 are when i feel the series really hits its peak.
  8. if the controllers for this thing are fully backwards compatible with the original system, and of a decent build, i might pick up a couple of them. Last time i tried, the good majority of my joysticks were un- or under-responsive. Haven't played my 2600 in probably a decade, so memory may be faulty.
  9. i don't even know what to say about this line of magazines.....
  10. what a weird magazine! who knew Yahoo had a print format?
  11. Hi @RetroChiGuy1212, all magazines hosted on this site have been scanned by a member or the scanner has given Retromags the express permission to host said scans. If you were the one that scanned these magazines, we would be happy to host them here. Unfortunately, if they are just something that you ran across while online, they would not be able to be included. Hope this helps!
  12. this is really cool, but not something that i can't live without. hope it gets funded for all those that wwant it tho!
  13. i came across this "Classified Information" dossier on the release of Goldeneye 007 for the n64. i don't know if it was something included in a Nintendo Power magazine, mailed to subscribers, or available in stores somewhere? i don't remember this as a kid, although i definitely was still subbed to NP at this time, so i'm leaning towards the latter. Anyway, i gave it a quick scan (i had to do some tricky editing due to only having a flat scanner and this being slightly larger than a standard mag) and wanted to share it here. Not really sure where it fits into the site. https://www.mediafire.com/file/10imcbkgjikk4ad/Confidential+Information+Goldeneye+007.rar/file
  14. next up for me is Wario Land for the Virtual Boy. i completed the first one on Game Boy a month or two back. Planning on playing the whole series this year.
  15. just completed the original Crash Bandicoot on the PS1. Man, this game was WAY harder than i expected it to be. some really interesting concepts in this one, and i love the story of how they "hacked" the system to push the boundaries. but some of those levels are SO dark (dark as in lighting, not dark as in tone) that it's damn near impossible to see anything. and some of those 'running away from the camera' stages are so frustrating with the limited depth perception. All of that said, i enjoyed the game quite a bit.
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