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Everything posted by Sean697

  1. That's only like 48.00 dollars an issue. We should like chip in for you to scan those.
  2. Uploading the 600 dpi tiffs to dropbox now. Its only 4 images and 4 reference photos taken on my iphone so you can see where they where in the magazine and compare against the pages for color adjustments or leveling or whatever. But its 481 MB zip file. 600 dpi tiffs are extremely large apparently. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jy8pepzixtmmmt8/EGM%2065.zip?dl=0 For the Subsribers only insert, it tearts off on a perforated line. I tore it off on the perforated line to scan it. You can repair the torn edge easily enough I'm sure.Or just crop it out.
  3. Ok I'll scan them at 600 dpi and post a Dropbox link. Check back in a few hours in this thread for it.mill leave the editing to you. Honestly not much editing to be done though. Because I believe yes your previous scans may have been the first issues of that magazine. In general name it the same as other scans on the site so they are standard and will display correctly in order in people's library. That is the EGM file name standard. Which if you hadn't uploaded one here before I would t expect you to know. it's up to you. Personally I always read on single page mode. Not even sure if my reader offers 2 page mode, I haven't seen an option for it. I know some readers do. Usually it's the individual pages, followed by the combined image. Optionally you could always put those joined images at the end of the scan. There is no hard rule on that.
  4. Also since there aren't too many, it's up to you of course, I wouldn't mind seeing the few content related combined pages.mit would t make the issue that much larger. And maybe the pull out ads at the front and back as one image.
  5. So I am running this by the mint copy I got that is a subscriber issue. There are some additional things missing in your scan that are in my copy. The first is the Quartermans cheat sheet for this issue that goes after page 34. The second is a small subscribers card between 162 and 163. Another subscriber card between 176 and 177 (Holiday themed subscription card with a gift postcard for recipient of gift subscription) Correction on the last, you do have the holiday subscription card. On the other two do you just want me to scan and add them in or do you want me to give you the raw scans and and you complete it yourself (And have the higher res scans for your site.) Other than that its seems ready for release. Needs standard filename of " electronic_gaming_monthly_165_-_1994_dec.cbz " as well.
  6. I'll check this out. Do you need a someone to do the the new release post and upload to the server? It going to take me a while to DL and check.
  7. I used have a few issues of these here in there. If Imwould have know anyone was going to scan them or they had value, I wouldn't have thrown them away long ago.
  8. Link? And isn't Socks the cat finally getting a physical release via Kickstarter or something?
  9. I guess fast food is the creepiest job. I worked at Jack in the Box in High School. And it's a job where you see customers from all walks of life. As well as weird co workers. I have 101 Wierd stories from that job. Like the customer who came in claiming his didn't get the right change. My manager counted the drawer even and told him he was sorry but everything was correct, so they guy gets mad and jumps over the counter and chases him upstairs. Boy my manager ran quick. Wierd stoned and drunk people on the drive thru late hours of the night. Walking I the women's bathroom to clean after knocking and seeing a local prostitute naked scrubbing down her nether regions in the bathroom sink. Same lady a few nights before comes up and orders food wearing a fishnet top with nothing underneath, full breaststroke showing. People trying to pass counterweight money. A homeless dude who would come every day and hang out for an hour or two before he would get kicked out. He would sleep between the wall of our parking lot and the record store next door. One day he came in in a full body cast because he got beat up at the bowling alley. Had a coworker who was saving up for a sex change and he would tell me about his past life regressions. He was Eva Braun on one past life. He channeled a past life for me at work life one time to prove it and he turned all red and looked angry and then told me he was some kind of lizard creature filled with rage right before a volcano killed him. Had a lot of loser adult people working there who never did nothing with their lives. I was working the drive thru when I literally heard over the speaker the lady ordering get held up by some dude with a knife as she was screaming for someone to call the police. I had a girlfriend there at one point and sometimes we'd sneak upstairs to the supply attic and get it on. . In the mornings the place was filled to the brim with retirees and old people. They would always order their free senior coffe and some cheap breakfast item. They'd read their papers and play chess and card games and then as if by magic, they'd all disappear before 7 AM when normal working people started coming in. One guy would make me laugh. He'd always say in a deep voice is like a JUMBO JACK and a senior coffee. Eventually he'd just look at me and I'd take his order without him saying anything, although the first time he tried that I was waiting for him to say his senior coffe and he just stared at me till I rang it up. I had E-40 come through our drive thru a few times and there would always be weed smoke coming out the windows. I'd see people get I. Crazy arguments I our lobby. Friday's nights you'd see teenagers come in and fights break out where people would throw chairs. I'd listen to stories from on of our managers who seemed like he was straight from the movie Goodfellas tell stories about his youth in Jersey. We would always ask if he used to be a mobster but he'd never give you a straight answer. I'd have customers come in and order 30.00 worth of food and dump a pile of change on the table including super old penny rolls. Man and that's on;y the tip of the iceberg. Weird job.
  10. So looking at what you have so far. If I was doing it, I'd probrably put facing scans in there for maybe 6 of the spreads you've got so far in addition to the ones above. The Chun Li table of contents. The SF2 article first page with Chun Li again. The Ristar two. The RPG map. The Tarzan ad. But your free to do it how you want of course. That table of contents is basically a poster layout and would be cool to see as one image. And it's eday who has the EGM 86 that needs the last 4 pages I believe.
  11. Well I definetly want those multiple page ads how you did them! Great stuff right there.
  12. I actually do not have that capability I think. If I do I don't use it. I always view single page on my iPad and PC
  13. That's what I was concerned about. Due to size should we have two versions? On with single pages only and one that offers all the combined images as bonus content? We've never had a scan of this size with all the ads in addition to all the posters and all the double page content combined. I mean on those Video Games magazines from the early 80's that were small it wasn't really a big deal.I mean on some of the EGM;s I've scanned I did two page combined images but it was usually only 3-4 tops for the whole magazine. This one is going to have like.,, 100 ? I don't know.
  14. Indeed all his previous scans he had the single pages and the joined ones as a bonus. The amount of work is staggering really. Especially considering the size of this EGM 65 at over 400 pages. I'm not doing that but I certainly welcome it. (Joining ad pages.) I can't wait to see the final product on this one.
  15. This is another 4 cover issue.
  16. Ya the second picture looks much more vibrant now on my iPad.
  17. These two images look identical to me in Safari on my iPad.
  18. Ya just resizing to site standards. The OGM pdf's are actually true 300 dpi and where much much larger files. If you want larger pixel count images, stick with the pdf's. Though they aren't that much difference in pixels.
  19. These are comvwrt4d to cbr from pdf. Also if you have photoshop, if you open a pdf in it it will bring up a dialog to extract all the images. Making conversion easy. Just made a macro to adjust image size and save as JPEG and repacked as a cbr.
  20. Ok added to the site and credited (hopefully correctly) to OGM and Jason and KiwiArcader. I just formated them to the rest of scans on our site and changed to 2200 pixel height. Other than that no editing.
  21. Retromags Presents! Courtesy of OGM Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 116 March 1999 Database Entry! Download Directly! Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 141 April 2001 Database Entry! Download Directly! Thanks to Jason at OGM and KiwiArcader for these scans!
  22. I also have never seen or played an actual vetrex.
  23. Sounds good, if no one beats me too it I'll add these 2 after converting to a cbr probrably on Monday when I get time. Thanks again.
  24. I didn't check out the 141 but I did check out the 116. I suppose we could add it but I'm going to scan it again anyway. I know your style over there is to get quick and fast scans to get as much content as possible. I bought this issue last fall to scan. And while it's pretty good, I would probrably do a lot more editing to clean it up. I know you like you real magazine look and all but I see a lot of scratches and marks (and hairs on a couple pages lol) on some pages and a few but not many glue spots. I know when I get there I will be spending a lot more time on editing. But I'm not opposed to filling any gaps till then. And welcome your generosity. What is the policy on shared stuff from OGM? Do we convert to cbz and add a splash page? Or leave as is?
  25. I'm just going to add the u usual ones first. Fairchild channel F: I actually got to play this once or twice as I knew a kid with it, very much like Atari 2600 but controller overlays. Magnavox Odyssey 2: Again a friend had one and I'd play it regularly. Too many dedicated Pong systems to count. I owned one. Systems I have personally owned: Atari 2600 I owned a Merlin. I don't know if that counts because it doesn't have changeable media but it had a number of games on it, Sega Master System NES Sega Genesis Sega CD Sega 32X Nomad Sega Saturn Nintendo 64 GBA Sega Dreamcast GameCube PS3 Wii Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS PS4 Wii U Systems I have played a lot : (mostly because I knew people who had them and eighter traded systems or played at their house extensively.) SNES Intellivision Colecovision Atari 5200 Most of the Actual Nintendo game and watch's. Also the Super Mario Bros game Wristwatch. Gameboy Gameboy Color PS2 Game Gear X-Box 360 Virtual Boy Systems I've played mostly through in store demo units: CD-i Atari Lynx Atari Jaguar 3DO N-Gage X-Box X-Box One TG-16 and CD Neo Geo(Although I've played extensively the arcade games.) Systems I'm pretty sure I've never even touched: Atari 7800 PSP PS Vita Neo Geo Pocket Color Games.com Tiger R zone Original Magnavox Odysey
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