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Everything posted by Sean697

  1. Cover of Gamefan 79 from March 2000.
  2. Sean697

    Mags to donate

    Awesome. Wish I could find my really old EGMs I think they are at my parents. Could fill out all the early missing issues. Just waiting for your address then.
  3. Sean697

    Mags to donate

    Ok I'll pay the shipping full if you guys agree to scan them. I would also like to ask that if I'm paying the shipping you debind them to get a better scan. PM me your shipping info both of you and I'll send it out. And specify what exact issues you need to scan or just all.
  4. Sean697

    Mags to donate

    Also adding in EGM 79,85,86,88,89,91,92,99,103,105,106,111,112. EGM2 number 16. If someone could let me know where to send them I'd appreciate getting these out of my house soon.
  5. Sean697

    Mags to donate

    Dug out my other box also have your missing issues of Next Gen. So outside of what Johan Smith has claimed here is what I have for Next Generation. 18,19,24,25,27-30,32-48, 60.
  6. Sean697

    Mags to donate

    Ok so John Smith has Next Gen 57-83 already minus #60.
  7. Sean697

    Mags to donate

    Going through my old mags to sell off,but would like to donate any missing issues here. I don't have time for scanning so I'll just ship them to you guys. I noticed some of the database has not been updated. Like EGM 100 says missing but it's available for download? So I'll just list what I have available so far that is missing and you can tell me what to ship. EGM 94,95,96,100 with all the collector cards and post cards (But it's listed to download so not sure if you need.) 101, 102, 115, 123, 124, 125. EGM that are disallowed but available in the coming year IE 2000 issues. EGM 126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137. Also the second run of Next Gen I have almost a complete collection. Most are great condition but a few have ripped covers. Next Gen #57-76, 78-83. Also Next Generation #56 Let me know what you need. If I find my older box I can fill in gaps from early 90's probrably. Also if anyone is working on these already let me know.
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