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Everything posted by kitsunebi

  1. Retromags Presents! Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 011 (January 1996) Database Record Download Directly! Edited By: kitsunebi    Uploaded By: kitsunebi    Donated By: kitsunebi Follow us on...                         
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Mags debound and shipped across the sea by yours truly, and scanned by J of Oz. This title remains a total b!%ch and a half to edit. I can only get through about 10 pages per hour - it's a nightmare. Luckily for the world, the resulting edited files mean that no one will ever be forced to look at brown-haloed copies of these mags ever again. Digital preservation ftw.
  3. I'm not criticizing anyone who has commented on this thread (though to @KenMasters,the buying/selling/trading forum is where want-to-buy posts go). But MAN, I sure wish @Phillyman hadn't stickied this thread to the new releases forum. 4 months later, and this damn thing is STILL bumping actual new release posts off of the front page every time someone replies to this thread. Can anyone please move it to a more appropriate forum so the new release forum can be for new releases?
  4. No worries, I didn't see your forum post until after I replied to the shoutbox. Maybe in a few years as aging out-of-shape gamers start to die off, we'll hit the motherlode of bargains at some estate sales.
  5. Dunno why you posted the same thing to the forums and the shoutbox, but my answer is the same as it was there. People are generally smart enough to know they can make more money selling gaming mags via eBay, so if it's PC Gamer you want, that's where you'll have to check - there are always plenty available. Looking in thrift stores for unexpected treasure is fine, but you should be going into that situation expecting to come up empty.
  6. Your comment has zoomed over my head? Scanned and released is a 1:1 ratio, though "one mag scanned, two mags bought/obtained" is unfortunately not far from reality.
  7. 53 downloads

    246 pgs. Another edit finished, another magazine tossed into the recycling bin. And yet the pile of mags waiting to be scanned never gets any smaller. Indeed, just when you think you're making progress clearing out the mags cluttering your home by the box-load, you "accidentally" buy some more. In your head, you know what you're doing is abhorrently wrong, but just like this duck, your body has a mind of its own and your finger clicks the "buy it now" button before your brain has a chance to stop it. You hang your head in shame. This is the scanner's own private hell.
  8. Retromags Presents! Famitsu Issue 1369 (March 12, 2015) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: kitsunebi    Edited By: kitsunebi    Uploaded By: kitsunebi    Follow us on...                         
  9. Released by Nichibutsu in 1983, the My Vision was a home video game console that was created exclusively to play video versions of board games. It had no controllers (just a keyboard,) and only 6 games were ever released for it. How's that for an obscure console?
  10. Retromags Presents! Comptiq No.235 (December 2001) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: kitsunebi    Edited By: kitsunebi    Uploaded By: kitsunebi    Follow us on...                         
  11. Version 1.0.0


    I uploaded the included CD-ROM HERE
  12. The article points out the reasons. Paper is heavy and can't be shipped on the refrigerated trucks that most of their stuff arrives on. This shouldn't be news to anyone living in America, which abandoned print media ages ago for the same reason (high distribution costs). Japan's more compact geography allowed it to survive a bit longer, but this is the inevitable outcome. I pity the smaller municipalities that don't have access to a bookstore, though, as despite the non-affordability of distributing paper media, it's still hugely popular in Japan. I've said it before, but the bookstore in my town is probably the most popular and heavily trafficked business we have, to the extent that they have to hire parking attendants to direct the heavy traffic in their parking lot. Without convenience stores to get their books, mags, and comics, I'm not sure what kind of change will occur in the more rural areas without access to a bookstore.
  13. Convenience stores here have a magazine aisle, more or less. It's about half the length as a normal aisle, since it also accommodates the ATM and copy/fax machine. But it has lots of mags and comics.
  14. Retromags Presents! Famitsu Issue 1367 (February 26, 2015) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: kitsunebi    Edited By: kitsunebi    Uploaded By: kitsunebi    Follow us on...                         
  15. 68 downloads

    So it seems the editors of Famitsu thought that people would like to see Persona 5 on the cover. I mean, sure - on a NORMAL day, that might be the case. But how they decided to go with Persona 5 when they had this in the same issue, will forever be a mystery: This is Tsuri Bit. Which means "fishing bit." Note the fishing rods? Wikipedia tells me that this jpop idol group formed out of a desire to sing, dance...and fish. Their concept: You can't even make this stuff up. Based on views, this seems to be their biggest hit, from around the time this magazine came out (the song's title is "I'm going to dance, fish" presumably meaning "I'm going to dance and fish," or maybe "I'm going to dance, then fish" and not someone addressing a fish and telling it that they're going to dance. Though I suppose it could be that...)
  16. It's Gorby no Pipeline, since that's Gorbachev on the cover. As for his chance to headline a Famicom game, he got in just under the wire, since the Soviet Union ceased to exist 8 months after the game was released.
  17. https://soranews24.com/2025/02/12/thousands-of-convenience-stores-in-japan-to-end-sale-of-print-magazines-this-spring/ Japan is going to stop selling magazines at over 10,000 convenience stores this spring. As the article points out, many places are without a dedicated bookstore, and convenience stores their only source for print media. It's hard to stress to someone living outside of Japan just how important a part of the distribution chain convenience stores are. They're a part of people's everyday lives. It's not just the fresh food and snacks (I'd be willing to bet that more people "eating out" get their lunch at a convenience store than all other restaurants combined.) You can also buy music, movies, and video games. You can buy tickets to concerts and sporting events. You can pay for your utility bills there. You can pay for your amazon or yahoo auction orders there. And you can buy your comics and magazines there, some of which are released weekly. Or at least, you can do so for a bit longer, before they end distribution of mags at 40% of all locations of the two biggest chains of convenience stores. This is going to be a huge financial blow to publishers, and I have to wonder if it will mean the end of all but the most popular titles. Japan is, demographically, one of the oldest (the oldest?) countries on Earth, so I'm, not sure I see everyone's mom and dad (and grandparents) switching to online apps for their magazine reading.
  18. kitsunebi

    Zwei (December 2001) (JP)

  19. This belongs in the buying/selling/trading forum. A thread title that gives at least SOME indication about what is being discussed wouldn't hurt, either.
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