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Everything posted by MetalJuggalo

  1. Well... with that explanation that clears it up not only for just CarnEvil... but 2 other games I was wondering about (The Grid and INVASION : The Abductors)
  2. I grew up with it ... Emulated it.... so i guess it's natural I'd go with the nWo Wolfpac theme ^_^ (Not to mention while in marching band we got to actually play a band version for it... the one lone cool moment in a very bad four year stretch)
  3. Ah memories! it was one of the 1st video games i got to play when i was young and at a cousin's house.... I think i was 3.... i can remember just mashing the A, B and C buttons and repeatedly calling the Dinosaurs (Especially Diablo) "Angry Barney" and its on the list of games ill try to snag again
  4. Honestly i havent been this happy for a new Sonic game since Sonic Generations.... hopefully we'll see more of these (in terms of quality) and less of the Sonic 06's and Sonic and The Black Knight caliber games of recent ^_^
  5. If i could turn back the hands of time i would have never NEVER EVER had traded my Sega Saturn in High School ... Don't get me wrong i got another Saturn (luckily) some of the games back (NiGHTS into Dreams, Daytona USA, NBA Jam TE, Virtua Fighter 2) some I havent (Astal being a big one) but luckily I learned and also realized the joys of Importing which helps a load (Fighters Megamix, Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon II Zwei , House of The Dead & Clockwork Knight being the ones coming from overseas)
  6. I usually play on my smartphone (Usually the Iron Maiden RPG Game or Pokemon Go), Nintendo 3DS (Usually Super Smash Bros) and My Gameboy Advance (I just got my paws on Wario Land 3, Wario Land 4, and Legend Of Zelda : Link's Awakening DX as a bit of birthday gifts)
  7. Oddly enough i tried Crystal Pepsi the other day at one of the Stores here in Spartanburg... It was interesting to say the least
  8. I think a game id like to experience for the 1st time again is an arcade game that I was slightly baffled that it didn't get a home release : CarnEvil by Midway... Growing up in New Orleans and playing this game at the arcades on halloween had a special feel to it... not to mention it was the 1st Video Game i could remember fully beating (With Help and A roll of Quarters of course!) Sadly ever since moving to Texas (And now to the Carolinas) ... I've never seen that game again.... so in a way if i see it again... it would very well be like playing for the 1st time
  9. Way to go E-Day! been wanting to see more of EGM 2 ... Thanks!!
  10. Autumn by far (especially when you're living in the southern United States)... You finally get a break from the 100 degree days, the bugs are mostly gone so no more mosquito bites, and Halloween!!
  11. Pretty awesome games guys... And a bit of an update since my original posting... I moved east from Texas to South Carolina and for the time being only have my Xbox, N64 , and A few Games for PS1, PS2 and PS3... so while I wait for the rest of the games to get east...I've been investing time into Diddy Kong Racing and Hybrid Heaven for N64, Painkiller : Hell Wars, Crash Bandicoot : The Wrath of Cortex and Tony Hawk's Underground for Xbox , And Blitz : The League for Playstation 2
  12. Ditto here. Put it in Cdisplayex and got "Could Not Open File" Hell i even downloaded it twice
  13. I'm from New Orleans... But I live in Central Texas (Not the fun part) .. However i'll be moving to South Carolina soon
  14. Silver lining is that there is some game preservation... between abandonware and a buncha isos over on archive.org (those guys are pretty cool) we're taking a step in the right direction... I do however wonder with todays games... how do you preserve em? Maybe by just tossing the GOTY/Complete Editions since... well they're the games with all the DLC on it I suppose.
  15. Im intrigued since he did do the sixth sense ... however his track record since makes me wonder ... either this will end up great and it would be a rival to american horror story... or canned after 6 episodes
  16. This sounds like an awesome idea gotta check out the links you tossed up
  17. Killer Instinct for SNES, Nights Into dreams for Saturn, and Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast are on my docket right now
  18. Most recent for me was a Sega Saturn about 3-4 years back...1st thing i did was hit friggin amazon to get imports... and then the local gamestore to snag NBA Jam Tournament Edition
  19. Wow guys i didnt think my thread would get so many replies thanks guys!(Seriously this helps me see which magazines are good to read and check out in addition to good old fashioned curiosity and experimentation) Also based on what you guys said ill probably go check out the PSM mags that are on here, as for Diehard Gamefan I too would like to check it out, but eh if the guys themselves said not to, hey what can you do.. but again... Thanks guys
  20. For me I think it would have to be PC Accelerator... Its fun, irreverent and doesn't take itself all to seriously.. In a way it reminds me of Classic Game Room and CGR Undertow in a way.... and Star Wars Episode I the PCXL edition had me in stitches... But enough about me... Which was your favorite?
  21. My guess would be the internet killed it off with sites like Gamespot and IGN, Something faster replaced it... I call it the "Netflix Effect"
  22. Because 1. Large retro game/pc collection and the magazines compliment them , 2. To relive how awesome these magazines were and in certain cases experience them 1st hand and 3. To spread the tale to friends who ask about them
  23. Make sense to me... 1. It actually gives me a bit of incentive to be a more active member in this community (which is very amazing might i add) and 2. It would eventually weed out the abusers and leave the people that have a genuine interest in classic gaming magazines P.S... Do you guys have like a Retromags T-Shirt or something, Cause that would rock!
  24. So im kinda new here but im kinda not... i figured after the limits now would be a great time to introduce myself in order to start the "Drive to 25" so to speak lol. I was drawn to this site waay back in highschool in 2008 (for reference im 22 now) when i saw one of the releases for a magazine that i remembered reading as a kid in louisiana that i regrettably lost due to Hurricane Katrina... Ever since id download old magazines and read up on retro gaming and the like.. Because to me History is interesting and video game magazines espically because 1 game could have multiple vantage points... say for example Gamepro Loves a game whereas EGM and Game Players think its a dumpster fire... just the little things... In fact i could say that the stuff on this website led me to running my own facebook geek page so theres that... Anyways i apologize for the ramble and slight incoherence on my part. Thanks for your time
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