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  1. Retromags Presents! Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 180 (July 2004) Database Record Download Directly! Scanned By: VGBounceHouse    Edited By: VGBounceHouse    Uploaded By: VGBounceHouse    Subscribe to our New Release Feedburner email!  
  2. 1,144 downloads

    Issue debound with hair dryer. Scanned flatbed at 600dpi 24-bit color photo mode. Single page template created in Photoshop with Levels and Hue adjustment layers. Width doubled and guide added for standard facing pages template. All pages edited in facing pages setup except for front and back covers, inside back cover flap and page 122. CBZ created from 600dpi edits exported at 300dpi in JPG level 9. Table of Contents: LETTERS They write. We respond. You laugh PRESS START The latest news, interviews, features, and gaming tidbits THE LORD OF THE RINGS, THE THIRD AGE The ring is gone, but the Fellowship remains strong HALO 2 Fresh info on the shooter's single- and multiplayer modes EGM INTERNATIONAL Tune in to Tokyo's wackier titles SPIDER-MAN 2 We unmask the websilnger's movie-based sequel ADVANCE WARS: UNDER FIRE The itsy-bitsy strategy series invades GameCube AFTERTHOUGHTS Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow's creators let you in on their secrets NEED FOR SPEED UNDERGROUND 2 Th e bigger the spoiler, the closer to God FREE GAME SYSTEM Sign up for a two-year subscription and get the Phantom for free PRINCE OF PERSIA 2 Time is still on your side in the sequel to our 2003 Game of the Year THE SEASON OF EVIL Resident Evil's T-Virus spreads to the big screen and spawns more sequels TIMESPLITTERS : FUTURE PERFECT Try shooting the barrels--they explode! CELEBRITY INTERVIEW Derek Jeter clobbers our curveballs VIEWTIFUL JOE 2 Capcom's comic book come to life comes back ONLINE Why now is the right time to sign up for Xbox Live THE HOT TEN Sick of hearing about Halo 2? Vote for something else COMING SOON You'll find few fireworks this Jul y BUILD YOUR OWN XBUNDLE How to grab an Xbox and a handful of games for little green COVER STORY: DRIV3R The first PlayStation 2 and Xbox installment in the hard-driving series is nearly road ready, and developer Reflections has handed us the keys. We check under the hood and give the game a six-point inspection. REVIEW CREW Three reviews per game--just the way you like it Multiplatform Van Helsing Future Tactics: The Uprising Shrek 2 Red Dead Revolver PlayStation 2 Onimusha 3: Demon Siege UFC: Sudden Impact Galactic Wrestling Featuring Ultimate Muscle Bujinga: The Forsaken City Front Mission 4 Xbox The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Metal Slug 3 Rallisport Challenge 2 GameCube The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Game Boy Advance Mario Golf Advance Shining Force Mario vs. Donkey Kong FIRST NEXT-GEN GAME UNVEILED We shed light on the mysterious Dark Sector THE UNUSUAL SUSPECTS We stake out six games that are about to carjack Grand Theft Auto's bandwagon... and get away with it TRICKS OF THE TRADE Game couseling, codes and cheats Resident Evil Outbreak Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Mega Man Zero 2 Tenchu: Return From Sarkness Phantasy Star Online: Episode III--Card Revolution Champions of Norrath GameShark vs. Action Replay Final Fantasy XI MTX: Mototrax Ninja Gaiden GAME OVER Here are your four continues REST OF THE CRAP CROSSWORD NEXT MONTH HSU & CHAN
  3. I have finished Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 180, July 2004. I've uploaded it here but it's still marked "Not Allowed" so I'm waiting for the go ahead before releasing it. As always the issue is also available on my site in CBZ and text recognized PDF formats as well as viewable within the browser: http://vgpavilion.com/mags/2004/07/egm/pages/ I'll be jumping back over 20 years to do another issue of Video Games next.
  4. So I'm here to vent I'm working on Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 180, July 2004. I did my normal hair dryer debinding and am having great results like this spread on Viewtiful Joe 2: Full 300dpi here: Then I get to the feature on Driver 3/DRIV3R and they throw this at me: Full 300dpi here: They overprinted making reconstruction impossible. That center frame of the flmstrip is only about half as wide as the others. But the other verticals line up in such as way that pushing the left side further left and the right side further right to have the proper gap space would cause the dude and car that backgrounds the entire spread to be misaligned (as well as pushing the text and header on the left to the edge of the page). I understand doing layout mindful of gutter printing areas but the right page actually had a full vertical white slice (not enough to properly space a gap) meaning the actual design, or the printing of it, ignored the proper spacing. Arrrggghhh it's infuriating!
  5. I know we've discussed this before but I can't seem to find what was agreed upon. When working with foldouts do I trim the width or create a blurred area to cover the portion of the regular page size that is missing? With the back cover of EGM 180 there is an inside flap to cover a 2-page spread and the back cover itself is narrower than the standard page size. These are unedited versions of the pages which include my standard page size template widths: Was the rule to just ensure every image was the same height but to crop the widths properly? I don't remember. Thanks! (P.S. What are the limits on URL inserted images? I made both of these 480px tall and am pretty sure I'd seen wide images, but the second image here which is 725x480 just shows a broken thumbnail)
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