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Everything posted by VGBounceHouse

  1. RT @RetroGameGeeks: THURSDAY THREESOME: Sega update 3 arcade games for the 6th generation... #arcade #retrogaming #PlayStation #sega https:…

  2. RT @newjerseynick: ICYMI: I played the Sega game Daze Before #Christmas which was never released in the US: https://t.co/DywTMkMErJ #retro

  3. My responses as a 13-year old (movie would be very different today

  4. RT @Lord_Arse: The PlayStation logo went through many concepts before reaching the one we all know. Correct choice?#retrogaming https://t…

  5. Can you remember which home computer games you were playing in late 1982? @Grummz @dsmart @draginol #GamersUnite https://t.co/8T1iWDk0I8

  6. Ready for some computer #retrogaming reviews? 4 for Apple ][, Atari 8-bit & TRS-80 https://t.co/0miTgA9lfY from my #GamerGate project.

  7. RT @Kitsuagi: Cowabunga dude! Aliens! Not amazing but I always kind of liked this one. #SEGA #segagenesis #retrogaming #gamegear https://t.…

  8. RT @RETR0JOE: Please checkout, watch and share this 24hr live stream for charity!SMASH BROS! https://t.co/R7SqrFUdE2 RT PLS#Gamers

  9. Fancy some old BASIC code? The Remarkable Number 153: Microcomputer Mathemagic https://t.co/Ahzj2leB9r from my #GamerGate project.

  10. RT @stonecoldsuzi: Just in case you missed it, here's the timesplitters 1 & 2 I won in @RETR0JOE giveaway! Thank you Joe! :Dhttps://t.co/4…

  11. RT @Grummz: Censorship is rarely about *what* was censored. Its about why it was done at all. Censorship is not okay. #1MillionGamersStrong

  12. RT @ZXRetro: Restored retro arcade machines via collector Clint Edward https://t.co/6RFWwZtVhH

  13. Kinda sad that none of these pioneering computer game devs/pubs are still around @Grummz @dsmart https://t.co/9uS4D40kA1

  14. RT @Lord_Arse: Arcade Flyer of the Day!From 1983, it's Atari's "Xevious".#retrogaming #gamersunite https://t.co/j2MCOP3crJ

  15. RT @highwayarcade: #Arcade Machine compatible with #Xbox360, #XboxOne, #PS4, #PS3 and more! Contact sales@highway.net.au #gamersunite https…


  17. Were you shopping for a console or games in 1982? #retrogaming console & game advice https://t.co/QOgmBEgFNE from my #GamerGate project.

  18. RT @Gamin_Guys: #TomorrowInGamingMegaMan '89ClockTower '96Die Hard Trilogy '96The Orange Box '07 https://t.co/ygiQf1Fmpc

  19. Some #retrogaming sentiments from another cartoon from Fall 1982 Video Games Player, part of my #GamerGate project. https://t.co/Mq3Jy84AmS

  20. of their earliest cross-platform hits, River Raid. This interview is from 1983. @_WCS_ @BastendorfGames @SMABSO https://t.co/4zDfOwXwTi

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