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Everything posted by VGBounceHouse

  1. RT @RETR0JOE: A big thanks to @Tomleecee for sending me this! I wish there was one for every console! #GamersUnite https://t.co/FmHZIhCUMC

  2. RT @Lord_Arse: Released #onthisday in 1996, it's the brilliant and much overlooked Toonstruck for PC.#retrogaming #gamersunite https://t.…

  3. RT @PwnParrot: A world without gamersOlder gentleman defends gaming against the critics#GamerGate https://t.co/GSI2QTVYcM

  4. In every issue I have "Strategy Plus, Inc." is listed as the publisher. If you look at the first cover scan above I'm guessing that was their brand, the "Computer Games" part just took over lol Another issue arrived today: Number 117, August 2000 I'm hoping to find the issues where the name/design changed for some more insight before trying to contact some of the listed editors/publishers over social media in hopes of getting the details. I have one more issue incoming, but the picking have always been slim.
  5. Played it plenty but preferred Williams' earlier digitized classic Narc! @gamesyouloved #retrogaming #gamersunite https://t.co/LREcJ1AAyc

  6. RT @gamesyouloved: 1500 subs - just 7 away!

  7. RT @samfostersound: Game Composer Looking for New Indie Projects! https://t.co/SIip9wxLru #gamedev

  8. RT @ABeerAndAGame: May be a day late, bust just beat this SOB. Nice Halloween treat to myself #splatterhouse #tg16 #retrogaming #gaming htt…

  9. Howdy! Ultimate Gamer has a database entry but I couldn't find a related topic so forgive any duplication of information. This was a short-lived "monthly" starting in the middle of 1995 and ending it's run in January 1996. There were only six issues with the cancellation announced in the final issue with directions on switching subscriptions to another magazine or requesting a refund. Ultimate Gamer comes from Larry Flynt Publications which was responsive for a number of '90s game mags including Video Games & Computer Entertainment. I typed "monthly" in quotes as the small print says it's a monthly yet the gap between issues one and three is two months meaning they missed one. As I don't have the second issue I don't know wwhether it was dated August or September. The last two issues were perfect-bound and narrower, the rest staple-bound. Some basic information on the magazine can be found here http://gamingafter40.blogspot.com/2011/01/larry-flynt-calls-it-quits-in-96.html as there is no Wikipedia entry (an all-too-common fact in regard to videogame magazines on the site). I have five of the six issues: Number 1, July 1995 Number 3, October 1995 Number 4, November 1995 Number 5, December 1995 Number 6, January 1996 I'll be on the lookout for the missing issue and if I find it will make putting this magazine to bed in its entirety a priority. Chris
  10. Howdy! Here's a fun one lol NewType Gaming is obviously related to NewType magazine but I really couldn't find any info on it. The issues I was able to get from eBay weren't helpful in terms of documenting the run but here's what I've been able to piece together: Published bi-monthly as indicated in the copyright notice Volumes represent the years, number the issue. No way of knowing if they strictly adhered to corresponding months as there is no month indicator. Beginning with Volume 1, Number 4 the year appears on the cover as part of a circle encompassing the volume and issue number. Volume 2, Number 2 is the only one with a copyright year in the small print. It indicates 1994 despite the cover reflecting 1995. As it is the second issue of the volume there's the question of whether this is a misprint or the front year indicator is staggered. This is what makes assigning months difficult. I have no idea when the magazine ceased printing as simple web searches rarely dredge this magazine up. It is a slick publication on heavy stock with a lot of original artwork. There is very little advertising. Each issue has different dimensions, close to each other, but obviously different. Two of the four I have would not fit in my 11x17 scanner flatbed without extending slightly outside horizontally once unbound. Here are the four I have on hand: Volume 1, Number 3 Volume 1, Number 4 Volume 1, Number 5 Volume 2, Number 2 This one's gonna be tough to archive given the number of fold-outs present in each issue. Chris
  11. I'm enjoying another, uh...refreshment. @gameragodzilla

  12. I have added to two of the threads in the Database forum and created a new topic for Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games. I have an issue of Flux in hand and three of the way including Issue 1 which has a very different cover than the database. Time to get back to re-scanning Electronic Games, hope to have it ready tomorrow night.
  13. The Wikipedia entry for this says it's a UK magazine but as usual that's not the whole story: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Games_Magazine There is indeed a sister magazine in the UK, and it may have even come first, but the subscription information suggests they were editorially-independent as you can get a US subscription to the UK version or the US version, and the only address provided was in the US. From what I have been able to piece together is that it launched in the US in December 1990. I determined this working from the issues I've been able to acquire. As I was curious about the evolving name I grabbed some issues off eBay regardless of quality. The following are the usual quick scan covers: Issue 44, July 1994 Issue 106, September 1999 Issue 112, March 2000 (now Computer Games Magazine) Issue 135, February 2002 (now Computer Games) Issue 150, May 2003 Issue 151, June 2003 Given the first issue I got the magazine was nowhere near the level of CGW or PC Gamer. That issue was staple-bound whereas the others were thick, perfect-bound and full of ads. Somehow they soldiered on, I don't know when they ceased publishing.
  14. RT @ShrekBane: Need help with 3d Modeling / #unity3dIll be glad to share my limited knowledge#solution6months

  15. Howdy! I believe these are the only two issues of this magazine, a side project of long-running Creative Computing magazine. In the credits it's mentioned that it would be published three times a year making my guess of the month of the block tougher since they forgot to include a season lol Issue 1, Spring 1983 Issue 2, Fall 1983 These are just quick scans for database discussion. Both issues are square bound, rare for this era, and I haven't debound them yet. Both issues are 132 pages. The copies I acquired seem to be in very good shape with bound inserts. Chris
  16. I now have a few of these on hand. I also picked up some Computer Games Strategy Plus and will update that thread to hopefully sort everything out. These are quick scans with no editing but they do confirm dates and volume/issue numbers: Volume 2, Number 1, August/September 1983 (as Video Games Player) Volume 2, Number 2, October/November 1983 (as Video Games Player) Volume 3, Number 1, April 1984 (as Computer Games) I will continue to keep a look out for issues from this run.
  17. RT @The_Harkonnen: #SonicTuesdayCharity drive needs volunteers. Please DM me for more info, please RT and get the word out. https://t.co/Zu…

  18. I had hoped to upload Electronic Games December 1982 tonight but it looks like I have to scan the whole thing again. My childhood copy had a major tear in the back cover (and I had filled out the survey which would take a lot of editing) so I had sought out another copy. I managed to get two, and between all three copies I had everything covered but... testing images I had already edited against the newest near-mint copy I got from eBay revealed mine had significantly more yellowing. While the 136 pages I had already prepared look great and are easily readable, there is far more texture in the pages compared to a few sample scans I took from the more recent acquisition. So it looks like I'll be busy tonight and tomorrow to ensure I have it ready before the end of the weekend. I'm gonna take a short break here, I have a few of magazines that aren't in the database that I'd like to scan the covers from and create topics to discuss how to proceed.
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