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About CastleVanity

  • Birthday 11/11/1977

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  1. Now that i have the Retron5 it can do all of that.
  2. I miss the old days of emulation. The novelty of it was that it created a new nostalgia of your early child/teen/adulthood. Good times!
  3. I'd say play either one. The PSX version is the most fun for me which is why i play that version because of the skills you can keep after you mastered a class as that carry over and they have OP Hybrid skill that break the game entirely. Also the translation is more accurate to the original. The 3DS version you can level up and master classes more faster. However, they have been rebalanced certain skills and most of them (Hybrid Skills) are not in the remake. Also you get more access to items and equips that not in the original and they are now easier to find. Again i say play both of them. Also, i cant say how many hours i played it because i always leave the game on when i play the game. lol! (500+ hours) normally it would be around 100+ hours.
  4. Currently i'm playing Dragon Quest VII (3DS) for the second time in years. I don't know how long it's been since the last time i played it. But i did finish and beaten Dragon Warrior VII (PSX). I love this game.
  5. Randomizers is not my field. I never touch any of those. It looks interesting but never invest into them. Zelda randomizers are always fun to watch.
  6. and yet I'm still learning from that game and i been playing this game for 30 years. ^_^
  7. Just finished final fantasy IV (Super Famicom) What a nostalgia trip.
  8. Currently, I am playing Phantasy Star Portable 2. Fun Game!
  9. Indeed, i never invested my time in this game back when it was new. Back then it was just a game i never beaten but now i'm invested my time a lot in this game and the replay value is high.
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