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  1. Good to know, I usually wind up at about 5 or so different thrift stores per week so I'll keep my eyes peeled for the Consumers Distributing ones and definitely pick them up and scan them if I happen to come across them! As for Christmas catalogues, if Retromags is into having them uploaded here I'd be more than happy to have my scans put up - frankly I'm not doing really anything for editing due to the sheer volume of pages, but I am auditing each of them to make sure that no pages were overlapped and fixing them up that way so they are at least complete, I can imagine these are the best scans we'll wind up seeing for most of these. I was sure surprised no one has taken on this initiative before, I think there's pretty widespread nostalgia for these.
  2. Just in case anyone stumbles across this and is interested, I did manage to purchase almost every wish book back to the mid-90s and am working on debinding and scanning - https://archive.org/details/@kevin_demo
  3. Nah I don't think there's anything here like that that I know about, I just figured this might be the place to ask!
  4. As I'm sure did many others, when I was growing up the Sears Wish Book was a huge part of my Christmas. I've thought for the last number of years I'd really like to take a look at some of those old catalogues, and I think they have some value as far as tracking historical prices of items as well. Unfortunately, I can't find anywhere online scans of the Canadian catalogues from the 90s - 2000s, and for physical copies it seems like everyone selling wants an arm and a leg for them. I've previously done some scans for retromags with a direct feed scanner and I think they turned out great, so this is long shot but if anyone has access to these that they would be willing to donate I would love to debind and scan them. I bet there are tons of people that would like to have access to them. I'd be fine with covering the shipping (or picking up, if it happens to be local). Alternatively, if I've missed something in my extensive search that someone knows about, please send me a link, I'd really appreciate it!
  5. I see that upload was done, looks great, thanks for doing that! I got around to doing a couple more scans today, Official Xbox Magazine Issue 85 and PlayStation The Official Magazine Issue 31, as suggested I've just uploaded the scans to drive this time rather than the cbz or cbr. If there are any suggestions to do anything different moving forward please let me know, thanks!
  6. Awesome, good to hear! Later I can dump the raw scans in a drive folder, moving forward is it best just do other scans into drive and post the link in the forums?
  7. Ok perfect, where should I upload it (I see the upload limit here is 512kb)? Also, is it better to upload an unedited .cbz, or the raw scans? I do have the .cbz on Google Drive, if that's preferable?
  8. Hi! I've used this site quite often over the last number of years and thought it would be worthwhile to become involved. I've given scanning a shot (PlayStation The Official Magazine, Issue 50, Oct. 2011, using a Scansnap ix500) and feel like it came out well. I successfully edited the poster scans together (using GIMP), but I think overall editing is going to be a bit of a hangup for me due to lack experience (and honestly, desire). Is there a process for having scans provided for further editing and uploading? Or are there more hands on deck for scanning than editing already? I've got some other magazines that are missing from the database that I would be more than willing to scan and provide, if this is something that makes sense to go forward with. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hello Kevers01, Welcome to the Retromags Community!

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