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Everything posted by SlyHedgehog33

  1. they will bring Crystal Pepsi back- Crystal Pepsi is Ready for a Comeback - NBC News Crystal Pepsi is making a comeback | Fox News here's why it was failed in 1990s- With Crystal Pepsi set for a comeback, here's why the ... yeah like they bring French Toast Crunch cereal back anyways i wish they bring this back
  2. Awesome! thanks for upload EGM issues! can't wait to see Issue 86 as DDL! i think i remember owned this issue back in 1996 but i often buy most EGM because of Mortal Kombat franchise
  3. well i get new PS2 last year because my old one was broken. anyways, this current one works fine as long as i play it everyday. no it don't wear it out
  4. whoa! another Mortal Kombat fan? awesome! welcome to the board! do you still play Mortal Kombat? there is new one- Mortal Kombat X, it let you play as Predator or Jason Voorhees!
  5. New York State. a lot of snow here, too during the winter lol i prefer indoors.so i play video games very often and browsing the internet as well
  6. I'm a long time gamer. i used to read old magazines where they had reviews for Sega Genesis, SNES, PS One and PS2, good times lol my favorite magazines are- EGM, EGM 2, GamePro and GameFan EGM was my first magazine to read. if you ask me about consoles, my first was old Nintendo NES when i was 5 or 6 years old. then i get Sega Genesis and PS One. and during early 2000s, i get PS2 and still play it! i don't like PS3 very much. some save data on there are copy protected like Sonic Racing Transformed and Tekken Tag Tournament 2! you read that right, you can't put them in your USB as a backups that sucks? true. but you can put Tekken 6 or Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection saves in the USB
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