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About jeffjenx

  • Birthday 05/13/1983

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    Nintendo Switch
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    Super Nintendo

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  1. If you do manage to sync it with your Nook, Areala, let me know how it turns out. We never had any of those devices at my work and I didn't really do any thorough testing with the NP#1 ePub, but it's always good for a programmer to hear feedback.
  2. Ever since I setup my NAS, I've been spending a bit of time each weekend archiving various forms of media that I've collected over the years. At my most recent job, I was tasked to code a web-based ePub reader for a publishing company that required me to learn a bit about the ePub specification. As a result of my research, and as an experimental project, I decided to take Nintendo Power, Issue 1, and create an ePub file from scratch. It turned out really good, and reading the magazine on my iPad with the native iBooks app is quite an experience. I was able to code a table of contents and started writing out all the text content of the magazine, for searching purposes, but only got a couple of pages deep before I realized how time-consuming that would be. It's still pretty cool, and creating the navigation document / metadata is pretty easy and interesting to do. If you're interested in downloading it, I have it hosted one of my blogs: http://code.mrslayer.com/making-epubs-from-scratch/
  3. Hey there, Phillyman. Haven't been on this site in quite a while, glad to see it's still going. 'Grats on the engagement, by the way! I noticed on the main page you're looking for a developer. PM me if you haven't got anyone lined up yet. I can shoot ya my resume and portfolio, as I've got an itch to do some design work.
  4. Yeah I can usually manage 500-600 HP with a full attack on MBJ, so I probably could finish him off most times.
  5. jeffjenx

    My Website

    Hey, I just updated my company's website, www.showdownarmy.com It's a skateboard/snowboard clothing company and I'm just posting this here to see if you guys can check it out and let me know how it loads and everything. I don't got all the different browsers and whatnot, so I can only test it so far. Thanks in advance.
  6. I was doing it in the newspaper on my breaks at work. I got hooked. Me and some colleagues use to print up a copy of the same one and try to get done first. So this is pretty neat.
  7. No problem. Good luck, hopefully you can manage to save most of it.
  8. I've used OnTrack EasyRecovery Pro in the past. I was able to get a whole helluva lot of pictures and fonts from my downed HD, but any bad sectors resulted in corrupted files. Worth a shot, nonetheless.
  9. jbbdude: You are allowed to EDIT you posts instead of having to double post.
  10. yeah i like it i ithinkikn its fair.
  11. I hope that this is true, because that's great. Too bad they aren't wireless, though.
  12. Yeah, I thought I remember a site having some of the old NES and SNES-era boxart and manuals, and while it is interesting, it doesn't really apply to this site. However, it might be a good idea to affiliate with some of them to help promote what Philly's doing and also promote what they're doing.
  13. I'm working on it so I can recruit MBJ and Newsbot to my team! LOL
  14. walking is good in new york!
  15. that's tight, dude. i'm drivin a mk4 VW golf or GTI. http://www22.brinkster.com/pulverized/Side.jpg copy n paste the URL if you wanna see a pic. some more work has been done to it since then (all black grill, and side exhaust, to name a few). it's pretty mean, but i want to get a Audi A3 wagon and do all engine work so i can really piss off the mustangs around here.
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