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Everything posted by aloram

  1. This is the final issue of Ultra Game Players. The following month is the premiere issue of Game Buyer. Thanks for the upload.
  2. That's great, thanks. I recommend doing it from Game Players to Ultra Game Players as well, for all the reasons discussed 24 hours ago.
  3. aloram


    Thanks for letting me know.
  4. aloram


    Sounds good, thanks for letting me know. The Missing Magazines page isn't accurate then. When was the last time it was updated?
  5. aloram


    I'm glad to see the remaining issues of Next Generation are in the "editing" phase. According to the Missing Magazines page below, there are 11 issues of NextGen missing. I'm curious where acquiring these ranks on the priority lists of the main Retromags scanners. While the change to NextGen brought about a significant reduction in quality, they're still most definitely worth checking out. Thanks. https://www.retromags.com/missing_magazines.html#.VpbBSUtORg1
  6. I think it would be helpful to point to Game Buyer from Ultra Game Players, in some capacity, and vice versa.
  7. That's a good point. I'm sure plenty of people see it as its own magazine. PC coverage was added, for one, so I'm sure that brought some new readers on board (and cast others off). EDIT: Either way, I think there should be something pointing viewers to the other magazine if they're separate, perhaps with a brief explanation as well.
  8. Hi. Great ideas. Regarding Ultra Game Players, I vote for the second option (move it to Game Players). I was a subscriber back when it changed to Ultra, and in the last couple years I read through every Game Players issue till the end (plus the four Game Buyer issues), and going from Game Players to Ultra Game Players felt like a smooth transition, in the sense that it was the mostly the same people writing and the weird humor was still there. While it had a different layout and appearance after the name change, it still felt like the same "spirit" was there. Chris Slate remained Editor through the switch (though he later left to start PSM), and it really feels like it's the same magazine -- just with a new look.
  9. I'm a huge Bowie fan, what a loss. Station to Station is my favorite album of his. It shall be on heavy rotation in the coming weeks.
  10. Thanks for the input, te82. Here's the dinosaur you mentioned:
  11. Awesome, thanks. I'm definitely hoping to see more Game Players issues on here, as the Retromags collection is, surprisingly, missing a ton.
  12. Sean697, what else is in the pile of magazines to scan?
  13. Awesome, thanks for sharing. When are more Game Players issues coming? And by Game Players, I mean anything from that whole mess of magazines, spinoffs, etc.
  14. It would have stayed more of a "Sega vs. Nintendo" market, at least for a little while. Sega would have done things differently with the Saturn if it hadn't been for Sony. For one, the Saturn was originally going to be quite a different machine than what it became, but Sega changed it in response to the design of the Playstation. Had Sony never entered the market, perhaps Square wouldn't have jumped ship and Final Fantasy VII would have been a Nintendo 64 title, as originally planned. Basically, everything would worked out very differently. Here's some more info: "Seeing the Sony threat on the horizon like a polygonal T-Rex (which is probably the demo that scared Sega execs in the first place), Sega changed the design of the Saturn. Not by creating a dedicated 3D machine. No, it added a second processor to work alongside that magnificent 2D circuitry. The result, in theory, was an even more powerful machine. But in practice, this unusually complex architecture was disastrous. It was just too difficult to get good results for the majority of developers." http://www.gamesradar.com/sega-saturn-turns-20-its-not-shit-as-you-think/
  15. Good ideas, Phillyman. You could also link to Game Informer's back issues page. The fact that they sell issues from as far back as 1991 is probably be a key reason why they don't want them on Retromags. http://www.gameinformer.com/mag/covers.aspx
  16. I thought some of you might be interested in this recent article: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/a-brief-history-of-games-journalism
  17. The last new system I bought was the Nintendo 64 on its U.S. launch day. The last system I bought, period, was a refurbished PC Engine Duo a month ago. I also just swapped my Genesis model 2 for a model 1 with "High Definition Graphics" printed on the console after reading about the superior sound chip in that version. http://retrorgb.com/genesisversions.html
  18. I've read several of the books mentioned in this post, and I think most of them are indeed really good (I'm a big fan of Hardcore Gaming 101). I've been reading a lot of Jeremy Parish's stuff recently, and his new book, Good Nintentions, is amazing. I'm only about 50 pages in, but I highly recommend checking it out. http://www.amazon.com/Good-Nintentions-Unofficial-Entertainment-GameSpite/dp/1512109746
  19. Get a PC Engine Duo or Duo-R, along with a Turbo Everdrive. The Japanese systems are much cheaper, and the CD drive is region-free. Look for user Keith Courage on the PCEngineFX.com forums. He sells refurbished systems for much cheaper than what you can find on eBay. His work is excellent, and he's a great person to deal with. Highly recommended.
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